165. Teen sex shapes adult life

It all starts and ends with teen sexual activity. That’s where individuals of both sexes partition their individual domains, develop their roles and mindsets about the opposite sex, and develop whatever dominating influence they will wield or lose in future relationships.

Hunks and popular boys learn they can dominate without special effort.

·         They attract the hotties and disdain the notties. This reinforces their natural preference for the attractive and the newly attractive that comes in view.

·         They get by with whatever they want to offer of themselves. Dominance succeeds with little effort. It’s a piece of cake, and such boys have a sweet tooth.

·         Relationships, girlish devotion, and sex come so easily that they don’t pay much attention to learning details about girls.

·         To get what they want, they please girls enough and let teen cultural values—largely determined by such boys—provide the rest.

·         These boys pass into adulthood with their minds made up about most things; they learn through success that little need exists to give in to females. Success breeds repetitive behavior.

Unpopular boys also learn there need be few limits to their domination of females.

·         They experience few if any relationships, so their ignorance grows.

·         They experience rejection or fearfulness, which induces uncertainty, bitterness, and even revenge.

·         Rejection and relationship failure reinforce a boy’s determination, and this strengthens his natural dominance in adult life.

Girls provide cheap sex.

·         They never compete with boys by withholding sex and thereby learn to earn masculine respect.

·         As women, they don’t know what else to do except survive as an ex until the next guy comes along.

·         Unless they undergo a personal renaissance, they never learn the lessons about males that virtual virginity teaches. (Other posts describe details about VirtVirgin.)

Virgins and virtual virgins learn new lessons with each boyfriend.

·         Competition to protect their virtue earns masculine respect, and the lessons for controlling male dominance sink in after a few boyfriends.

·         When they pass into womanhood, they have learned what they want from a man and how to get it. This includes being able to handle, negotiate, and accept what they can’t change about a man’s drive to dominate.

Consequently, teen sexual activity weakens female abilities two ways for living successfully with a man.

·         It enhances the intensity of adult male dominance.

·         It reduces female influence with men and a man.

Adult women don’t like this self-weakened status that they generated earlier in life. So, they fight back.

·         Adult men and women compete more openly and even radically instead of cooperating as couples.

·         Split ups become ever more prominent and popular as sexual freedom expands even into the youngest, pre-pubescent girls.

·         Worse is yet to come, as intensely male dominated households lose influence with daughters.


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One response to “165. Teen sex shapes adult life

  1. Danielle

    ” Relationships, girlish devotion, and sex come so easily that they don’t pay much attention to learning details about girls. ”

    This is so ironic because you tend to think that self-proclaimed ‘ladies men’ know everything about women, but come to find out they know nothing about us. They never take the time to get to know or value our uniqueness because easy women don’t require them to.

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