1114.1 — BULLETIN

November 23rd marked the third anniversary of WhatWomenNeverHear. The post-a-day policy continues uninterrupted. The average hits-per-day stats show continual growth from 22 to almost 1,000. Glorious contributors add over 4,000 comments, and many stimulate dialogue.

I send special thanks without exception to all readers and commenters. They make everything worthwhile, because they pay attention.

Ladies, may your relationships heal, stabilize, and grow as you exploit sex differences and harmonize mate and home with you.



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14 responses to “1114.1 — BULLETIN

  1. Sharon

    Happy anniversary, and may there be many more! So thankful for your guidance and teaching, both public (at this site) and private. May God continue to bless and use you and Grace, for great good, in the lives of your readers and beyond, to the lives we touch.

    Your Beautifulness Sharon,
    Thank you for both your words and great company since the earliest days.

  2. gonemaverick

    Sir Guy,

    i could thank you a million times over, but that wouldn’t measure up to all the good you have done for me.

    what fun i’ve had watching the facade the alpha types put up crumble. i shudder to think of the mistakes i would have made had i not stumbled upon your blog.

    it’s been fun learning. thanks again,

    Your Beautifulness Gonemaverick,
    Thanks for the kind words. Your second sentence is very memorable.

  3. princess blossoming

    Happy Anniversary Dear Guy, May we all have many more to come as we unabashedly feast on your never ending streams of wisdom. Thank you for being a blessing and for shedding a bright light on the things that so often make us stumble. I am not there yet but Thank God I see better for the light you shed!

    Your Beautifulness Princess Blossoming,
    Thanks for the kind words. I love to hear such as yours from pretty women. No, from any woman.

  4. Linda L

    Congratulations Dearest Sir Guy (and Lady Grace). You are amazing!!!! I doubt you’ll ever realise the impact you’re writing had, is having and will have on so many lives. Men are never more handsome than when they show favour to us ladies. I really appreciate at all your work. Thank you.

    Your Beautifulness Linda L,
    Thanks, and women are never prettier than when they appreciate a man.

  5. Lady Carmen

    Sir Guy and Lady Grace – May your ministry continue to reach far and wide, and find fertile soil for a rich harvest that blesses all the heavens and earth. May men reclaim their masculinity and women their femininity to the glory of God our Creator who made us male and female. Abundant Irish Blessings to Ye All!

    Your Beautifulness Lady Carmen,
    Thanks for the blessing. Also, you remind me. Too few women realize how momentarily bearutiful they shine, when they turn to praise and grateful modes.

  6. Delicate Petals

    Congratulations to WWNH and special thanks to Sir Guy and the Beautiful Grace. WWNH has helped me to refresh my love for God and renew the little girl inside of me.

    I hope your holidays are as special as you have made me feel!

    Your Beautifulness Delicate Petals,
    Thanks for the nice words. Your gratefulness shines as beauty in my imagination. Thanks for putting an early morning smile on my face.

  7. Miss Terri

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the joy you have given me and many others by having the courage to tell us the truth. Thank you for your sacrifice of time, thought, and patience as we all learn and grow from these wonderful posts. God bless you both! What a great day it was when I discovered WWNH! You have continued to bless each day since then!

    Your Beautifulness Miss Terry,
    Thank you. I love it when pretty women add glory to encouraging words. They know something many others don’t know. Thanks.

  8. boomer babe

    Thank You for being there(i’ve just found out about you only 6 months ago) and influenceing this generation. I’ve noticed that gratefulness makes the most plainest woman beautiful, and ungratefulness makes the most beautiful woman ugly. Most modern stars, although classically beautiful are not as pretty, nor are they truly feminine, also most of the modern male stars look like boys, seem passive, or have too much machisimo–and are not as handsome in the classical sense. This is why I like watching classical series or older movies

    Your Beautifulness Boomer Babe,
    Thanks for the nice words and clear descriptions of those that pay too little attention to their respective nature. Also, thanks for bringing out a lot of dialogue on the blog.

  9. Jill F.

    Thank you for your wisdom and humor Sir Guy and Lady Grace! You are being obedient to the Biblical mandate of remembering the generations who will come after you…thank you! And thank you for being blunt when necessary!

    Jill F.

    Your Beautifulness Jill F.,
    Thanks for the kind words and especially the citation about upcoming generations. The motto of an former employer used to be: “Up front, blunt, and candid.” I learned to love it.

  10. Marianne

    Sir Guy and Lady Guy,

    Thank you for all you both do for us, each day. I think everybody said it all above but I just wanted to add that websites like yours give me hope that all is not lost in our world and in our country. Yesterday I happened to see the trailer for the newest animation called “Tangled” It is a retelling of the story of Rapunzel. But with a very bad twist. Rapunzel has become a kicking , fighting machine and the prince has ,well.. where has he gone? He has been replaced by a caricature who finds no problem in being manhandled by his princess.
    Our young ladies need to be shown there is a better way and your website is one of them. Today they watch “Tangled” and tomorrow when they find no answers in popular culture , they will come to your website to become “Untangled”

    Your Beautifulness Marianne,
    You’re most welcome, and thanks for the comparisons. I particularly like and hope to use the ‘untangled’ description.

  11. Dear Guy et. al.,

    Congratulations and thank you for all of the time and work you have given us through your blog.


    Have you considered including a Facebook interface so as to ‘like’ and share the contents of this blog through the social network?

    It would be really nice.

    Look forward to keep on reading your posts

    Best regards,


    Your Beautifulness Yolanda,
    Thank you for the kind words.
    As to Facebook, I can’t for reasons that men don’t like to admit or talk about.

    • gonemaverick

      sir guy,

      i’ve been trying to ignore this. but i can’t. i am curious.

      your statement re: facebook. care to explain? i was told by 2 of my suitors (i am very interested in both) that they googled me and if i had had a facebook account, they never would have pursued me. maybe your reasons are different.

      Your Ten-ness Gonemaverick,

      My reasons have to do with personal shortcomings.

      I can imagine your suitors object simply because too many people know too much about those exposing themselves on Facebook. Women show up there as being used, as I imagine it, in the minds of discriminating suitors. If she’d expose herself to that degree on Facebook, what has she been exposing herself to in real life? (I preach mighty hard against full disclosure.)

      I admit to knowing little about the Facebook role and influence in pop culture. So, I welcome evidence to contradict that said about discriminating suitors. Also, what does it say about suitors that aren’t so discriminating? Don’t know themselves well enough to discriminate?


  12. Princess Rita

    Your Knightliness Sir Guy,

    Thank you so much for your faithfulness to this blog. You have helped me immeasurably!

    Your Beautifulness Princess Rita,
    You’re welcome. But thank you for faithfulness adding so much wisdom here.

  13. Jessica

    Happy Anniversary Guy! I’ve been following you for about 2 years now and my, your words, thoughts, and dialogue with me have been a blessing & protection. Everytime I come to your blog I feel blessed and unique as a young woman.

    May the Lord richly bless & increase His favor toward you!

    Jessica ❤

    Your Beautifulness Jessica,
    Thanks. I love it when pretty women claim uniqueness.

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