Tag Archives: Femininity

2777. Well-liked Article (#23 posted in 2007)

Femininity, once a source of power and eliteness for females, has been made an object of scorn and ridicule by feminists. Women no longer appreciate that femininity adds color to a man’s black and white world, as one woman explains to Alison Armstrong in her book, Keys to the Kingdom.

Feminists consider men as undeserving of special attention and care. Yet, they eagerly provide what makes men highly appreciative—that is, frequent, convenient, inexpensive, and unobligated sex. That contradiction works directly against women looking for the Marrying Man and seeking marital success.

Feminism demeans the male nature in order to promote the status and political power of females. Femininity appreciates the male nature, applauds manliness, and empowers men to provide relationship stability, safety, and security.

Feminism focuses on making men unnecessary and dispensable in order to uplift females in legal, political, and economic circles and social and domestic stature. Femininity focuses on the high value and indispensability of men in order to uplift women and children above the depredations of extreme male aggression—and in today’s environment—the threat of child molesters.

Feminism rejects as undeserving both castle-building and hut maintenance for a man. Femininity kisses frogs, treats princes as royalty, and specializes on lavishing warmth and affection on everyone in the king’s castle.

Feminism politically empowers females to act like roosters and emulate the man of the house. Femininity endows females with the self-worth, self-image, and self-confidence to rule their rooster by letting him appear to rule the roost.

Feminism produces an attitude of ingratitude for manly behavior that pushes men away—except for their relentless pursuit of sex. Femininity produces an attitude of gratitude that attracts men and uses each female’s personal assets and appealing attractions to hold a man.

Feminism elevates sex above marriage, encourages eroticism, accepts promiscuity, stimulates pornography, allows sexual activity among children, and fails to discourage such things when opened for public discussion. Femininity subordinates sex to marriage, rejects eroticism out of modesty, disdains promiscuity as alien to relationship success, educates against porn as destructive to kids and family, protects children from adult sexual license, and promotes civilized behavior as keeping sex confined to the marital bed.

Feminism discourages women from chastising men who exploit their masculine advantages. Feminists expect to change the male nature to reduce male strengths. Femininity capitalizes on male strengths, compensates for weaknesses of both sexes, and eagerly helps build and maintain a man’s castle, since women are made potentially compatible with men by their drive to nest, nurture, and nestle with loved ones.

Feminism relies on and promotes the masculine games of might-makes-right, rule of man, and winning is more important than how one plays. Femininity relies on and promotes the females’ instinctive preference for right-makes-might, rule of law, and how one plays the female friendly game.

Feminism discourages male adoration in spite of a lot of female wishful thinking. Femininity inspires male adoration with little effort, because of female reliance on letting nature take its course in spite of feminist politics.

Feminism produces principles and ideology that divide the sexes as feminists try to conquer the political agenda. Femininity uses principles and ideology that unite and unify couples into stable and long-lasting families.

Feminism insists that women have the same capability as men for producing, providing, protecting, and problem-solving. Femininity supplies glory and high values that energize the unique ability of men as wartime defenders, peacetime providers, anytime protectors of women and children, and reliable solver of family problems.

Feminism reverses the best interest of females by restructuring social values that enable men to dominate more successfully. The traditional family is not essential. Men are not essential to female happiness. To show female independence, women are pushed to compete directly with their man, which men refuse to accept. Mothers are not responsible to civilize boys; someone else should do that even though modern boys are becoming more violent, disrespectful of authority, and take greater advantage of young girls. Femininity endorses and promotes the opposite.


Filed under boobs, Culture & Politics, feminine, Feminism: OOPS!, old school, Sociology 101

2774. Well-liked Article (#1 posted 11/23/07)

  • Feminism Indicted: Feminism is the philosophy of envy of men, the creed of anger at men, and the gospel of politics in relationships. Its inherent virtue equalizes unhappiness for women seeking or living with a man.
  • Femininity Acquitted: Femininity is the philosophy of attractiveness for self, the creed of faithfulness with men, and the gospel of devotion to one man. Its inherent virtue civilizes men, balances male dominance, suppresses male aggressiveness, inspires men to prove their worthiness, and rewards men for acting responsibly as both husband and father.
  • Feminism discourages male adoration of women. Femininity inspires it.
  • Feminism demeans masculinity to get what women want. Femininity praises manliness to get what women want.
  • Feminism unleashes the savage male beast. Femininity tames it.
  • Anger and blame energize the politics of Feminism. Indirectness and modesty empower the cultural and domestic leadership of Femininity.
  • And with thanks to Mary Wumths: Feminism seeks equality between the sexes. Femininity recognizes the differences between the sexes and uses it to female advantage.


Filed under Culture & Politics, Dear daughter, feminine, Feminism: OOPS!, Sociology 101

2733. Wisdom from Magnolia — 04

At 2732 Lady Magnolia sparkles as she leads the reader into the closing paragraph, where she sprinkles dust of wisdom on aging women and unappreciative men. I post it below.



Sir Guy, I’m so glad that you have decided to discuss aging because it’s something that a lot of women struggle with. Let me add that it is also something that is more emphasized in some places. In the U.S. youth is worshiped, mainly because of Hollywood. I found it very interesting a while back when one of the James Bond movies—Spectre– came out because in it Bond gets involved at one point with an older woman. I was a little surprised as well because it didn’t follow Hollywood’s pattern of choosing only younger women (and especially so being a James Bond movie!), but never thought that the woman in question (Italian actress Monica Bellucci) didn’t have what it took to play the part just because she wasn’t 25.

I saw clips of interviews that the leading actor (Daniel Craig) did and he got really annoyed when asked what it was like to make a Bond movie with an older woman. He didn’t want to make a big deal of it. I read the comments in several articles and how people went on and on about it. Then a European man wrote something along the lines of: “That way of thinking happens only in America. In Europe we celebrate women of all ages!” Love it!

So, yes, even though men do love and gravitate towards younger women, it doesn’t mean that a woman over a certain age doesn’t have what it takes to attract and/or keep a man. You are NOT a milk carton that’s about to expire. Human nature is a lot more complex than that. God, nature, evolution, or whatever you believe in, didn’t make a mistake. And let me remind you that throughout history, there have been women who were older and less gifted in the looks department who have beat younger and more beautiful women in getting a man. Also, if only beautiful and young women would get men, older women wouldn’t marry at all and we know that they marry all the time.

What I’ve learned is that yes, as Sir Guy says, it’s very important to look our best, but there is something even more important. Back when the James Bond film that I mentioned came out, with all the brouhaha I got curious to know what the “older actress” thought about what was being said about her and her role on the movie. I found an interview of when they were promoting it where she was asked about it, of course. And what she said was really cool. Here is what she answered about her character: “She doesn’t have her youth anymore, but she has her femininity.” Bingo! I thought she might be reading WWNH or Renee Wade’s The Feminine Woman.

The one thing that men look for above anything else is our femininity, so we must cherish it, cultivate it. It’s a gift to the world and to men. I love being a woman! I will leave you with some very beautiful words that Renee Wade’s husband, David Shen, wrote in one of their publications that I hope will inspire and encourage you as much as it did me: “You as a woman, can light up a man’s life infinitely more so than any of his projects, deadlines, world championships or ambitions to dominate the world. That is your gift. That’s what men would trade everything in the world for. It’s that spark of life that they can never obtain from their masculine lives. Because anything that lives in that masculine domain is emotionally dead. A man may thrive in that environment and really feed off that sense of mission and achievement but nothing will compare it to that fire that a woman can plant in his heart.”

I hope you enjoy these insights as much as I did, ladies. Have a wonderful day!



Filed under courtship, Culture & Politics, Dear daughter, feminine, old school

2379. PROVERBS — Sex Differences 01

  1. The trait that women condemn so easily, a man’s ego, reflects his sense of self-admiration, self-satisfaction, and significance. Unwise to attack it.
  2. A man’s friendly touch in passing is a small price for a woman to pay. It signifies the respect of men other than her own and magnifies her worth.
  3. A man’s physical infidelity isn’t terminal; she wants to talk. His woman’s physical infidelity, however, is considered the end; he expects to walk.
  4. A woman expects her ears to be filled frequently with her man’s words of affection and appreciation. Her sense of self-importance depends on it.
  5. A woman expresses love through closeness, nurturing, and intimacy. She reveals her love with words that keep her spirit more alive.
  6. A woman wants help to brighten her future in a society dominated by powerful people. Two men won’t knowingly share her; one man works best
  7. Female charm, indirectness, and patience enable women to dominate interaction and values that shape relationships. It’s her inborn expertise.
  8. Femininity’s inherent virtue civilizes men, balances male dominance, suppresses male aggressiveness.
  9. Flowers as gifts have one purpose, to please women. Flowers are worthless and border on inappropriate for men even in sickness.
  10. Men can more easily forget than forgive offense. Women can forgive but almost never forget offenses.


Filed under Dear daughter, marriage, sex differences

2288. Favored Quotes—Collection 45

  1. “But, if men are getting their worth and value from a woman, then he’s looking in the wrong place.” [That Horse Is Dead at 2203]
  2. “Incidentally, I have come to the conclusion that femininity protects itself – the more committed I am to conducting myself like a lady emotionally, mentally and physically, the more I want to protect that lady and maintain those high standards. What a profound discovery.” [Prettybeans in email to Guy]
  3. “As THID says, the solution is a steady conviction to chaste singleness and if I may add to this, ultra femininity.” [Prettybeans at 2203]
  4. “We need a major revival of chaste single women to get things back on track.” [That Horse Is Dead at 2203]
  5. “If I were ever in a position to seek a mate again, I would strongly consider dating (chastely) lots of men until the day I had a ring.” [Miss Gina at 2271.]
  6. “Women really are designed to bring out the best in men and most of us are the happiest when we are engaged in this task. In the modern world there is a great deal of political correctness messing things up, but for the most part what really makes us happy, what fulfills us, is to be pleasing to a man and to actually desire to support and encourage him. This is not a one sided deal of servitude, we really do reap huge dividends ourselves, it is a pleasurable and complimentary arrangement.” [Insanitybytes22 at 2286]
  7. [Context: At 2231 Guy posted this as #5: If you have little or no interest in making yourself clean, neat, and attractive just to pick up your spirits, why do you expect men to take a liking to a missing feminine spirit? Jen fired back.] “#5 is something I’ve firmly believed and adhered to my entire life! It is so, so true, though many of my female friends refuse to or cannot believe it. Alas, they are also missing out on the confidence and thus better mood gained by making themselves look the best they can. No, we cannot all be model-gorgeous, but Doing Our Best To Look Our Best is truly mind-changing…and that alone might end up changing the course of our lives. Such a very simple concept sounds absolutely bonkers, but it’s also absolutely true.” [Jen at 2231]
  8. “That really speaks well to the differences between men and women. Sex simply means something different to each gender and I think men tend to fear they will be compared to someone else or replaced or weighed and measured. A extensive sexual past can make him fear that he will someday get passed over in favor of another.” [Insanitybytes22 at 2273] – [The last sentence is the height of male insignificance. Guy]
  9. “Perhaps what makes a woman so attractive as she puts these attributes [Her Jewels at post #59] in concert with her life is that suddenly she has become extra-ordinary: very good at doing ordinary things with grace, kindness and a flair that is all her own. What a pleasure to read this blog! [Princess Jessica at 59] [
  10. “‘As women go, so goes society’ this is why the Cultural Marxists encourage feminism because, through corrupted women they can indirectly corrupt men and children too, and bring down the traditional family &c. And the corruption in much of the Manosphere (along with Male Feminists) proves that the strategy has some effect.” [Eric at 2203]


Filed under boobs, Dear daughter, feminine

2280. Compatibility Axioms #921-930

921. It’s self-fulfilling: A wife blames husband for his faults. Accused men defend themselves by disproving the evidence presented. Debate amplifies his faults into failures in her eyes. He gets worse. [306]

922. Women abandon femininity, modesty, high moral standards, and other female strengths just to have a boyfriend they can’t keep simply because of what they abandoned. [306]

923. When a man senses that a woman finds him attractive, his nature tends to take her for granted. Using the virtual virginity strategy prevents her being taken for granted before marriage. Ensuring that his devotion goes beyond mere commitment minimizes her being taken for granted after marriage. [308]

924. A man dumps his wife of many years for a trophy. He seeks to start over and build a new kind of marriage. He seeks a new sense of significance, which he lost with his ex. He now knows how to do it and can raise a new child. Especially with a mother young enough to provide most of the care and submit to his dominance more pleasantly and less challengingly. [308]

925. The longer she puts off having sex with him, the greater her worthiness to be his wife for life—as he sees it. Men will deny that, of course, but her refusals in spite of his maximum effort register as greater respect for her deep inside him. [308]

926. Men escape being parented when they leave their childhood home. They won’t accept it by a wife and especially not in front of others. [308]

927. Men take a relationship for granted. It just is; it needs no maintenance. Four ‘switches’ determine its health and whether he loves her or not. She’s loyal to him or not. He’s likeable to her or not. He’s loyal to her or not. She’s likeable to him or not. [308]

928. People respect those who are different, unique, and powerful within themselves. Her power thrust in his face offends, however, whereas well-controlled internal strength is admired and considered a virtue.  [311]

929. Hook up but no call? Shack up but no joy? Married but no peace? Then she better change herself, because men don’t or won’t. [311]

930. Women are the relationship experts, men go along and expect a smooth and maintenance-free ride. [311]


Filed under courtship, dear daugher, Dear daughter, sex differences

2244. FEMININE: New Definition

This posting has multiple purposes behind it.

First, I’ve taken the liberty of giving the term ‘feminine’ an operational definition, which means to always presume this context: Men decide what is feminine and what is not. Specifically, feminine includes any and all those female behaviors that appeal particularly to men as qualities that make a woman a good candidate for marriage, i.e., at least satisfactory to live with. When I use feminine, conquest is left out. Feminine makes a woman attractive as potential wife. Sexual attractiveness makes her a potential bed mate. This definition matches how the male nature works, how it guides men to perceive females two very different ways—attractive for conquest aka targeted and attractive to live with aka feminine.


Second,  two concepts matched with two distinctly natural behaviors seems to fit together this way.

Men have two major motivational forces regarding women. 1) Foremost is conquest. Feminine as defined and used here doesn’t apply to the conquering process. The man seeking to conquer will effectively disregard or forgive any faults a sexually attractive woman might have. 2) Recognizing they are not equipped by nature to sustain a relationship, men nevertheless seek to provide/protect those for whom they are responsible. It energizes them to produce, which leads to self-admiration, possible satisfaction, and probable significance. The male nature aims men directly toward fulfilling responsibility as they sense it belongs to them.

Other than in conquest mode, the male nature consists of these motivational forces: Men do things to earn self-admiration until satisfied. That’s when they pause or stop such as daily after work or after completing a project. When responsible only for themselves, they can’t achieve much significance and realize they discredit their potential and their significance doesn’t grow. As the result, men learn early in life that fulfillment comes with greater responsibility, because that’s where they can earn the most satisfaction. (To be sure, some boys are inhibited from accepting responsibility in childhood and some men get fearful and back away from it. Both are lessons learned and not intrinsic to the male nature.)

Those two motivational forces put these pressures on women. Regarding 1): Conquest is a one-on-one competition; every woman is directly responsible for her future. Neither conquest nor subsequent sex bonds a man. Consequently, a man absorbs and accepts no sense of responsibility out of his conquest. Without feeling responsible, men don’t do what others expect or can count on.

Regarding 2): Women intuitively accept responsibility for relationship, marital, and family development and sustainability. They instinctively sense that men won’t or can’t. Each woman’s primary task is to persuade a man to be responsible for her and whatever follows in her life. Make him like, enjoy, and find satisfaction being responsible for her and children and he rises to meet his potential, greatest satisfaction, and most significance. (That’s all a woman has to do; piece of cake, right ladies? That’s why you’re a member of the superior gender, so you can more easily mix, bake, add icing, cut, and serve the cake of making one man feel responsible for more than himself.)

Consequently, either women fish with bait that keeps a man feeling responsible to help fulfill her hopes and dreams or women proceed with unrequited love. Feminine, as I use it here, is the proper bait to seal a deal with a man who is willing to accept responsibility for her future of blessing his ambitions.


Third, Some Other Guy made a major addition to yesterday’s article. He describes another enemy of feminine mystique that takes a man’s interest away from living with a woman:

“Complaining about anything even if it is not regarding your man is poisonous to the energy of the relationship. Sure we all have those off days every so often. But every single day? … I cannot overstate how unattractive some wives make themselves when every interaction is filled with ‘I don’t like this and I don’t like that and this thing is broken and why don’t you do this and how come you always do that and why is my mother being such a terror’ and on and on.”

Fourth, having many leftover thoughts from the 2243 FEMININE article, I post them here. Pardon the simplicity of merely spotlighting what are sometimes complex behaviors.

Good habits enhance FEMININE. The more of these the merrier.

These habits tend to support feminine thoughts in the minds of men. She keeps faultfinding to herself, speaks softly so that everyone listens more closely, avoids turning people off from being attentive to her, wears sincerity on her sleeve, hides anger while others burst out, dislikes boozing, dislikes gambling, sees humor in children playing, uplifts moral standards, considers permanent marriage the ultimate female goal, subordinates sex to marriage, makes mealtime family time, loves everyone until they prove unworthy, finds solace in intimacy, believes her man is the greatest, agrees first and persuades later, believes the opposite of ‘full disclosure’, believes firmly in prayer, has no oddball interests, criticizes behavior rather than the wrongdoer, considers sex a very personal and private matter, thinks highly of the male gender, thinks low of men who offend the female gender, favors fair over equal in making judgments, never forgets important things, shuns direct competition except with those who threaten family stability, loves to cooperate/collaborate and unify people, lives up to someone more important than herself.

She teaches children to respect adults, convinces sons to respect females, and teaches and protects daughters against unmarried sex.

She is always composed, anxious to birth and raise children, distinctively modest, excellent judge of when to be serious or humorous, easy to laugh but not at other people, not a spendthrift, and grateful for herself and others for their meaning in her life.

Only death or grief stamp out her lightheartedness. Her mystery attracts people. Her mature adult values make her decisions highly consequential and she indirectly gains influence.

Bad habits limit FEMININE. The more of these the poorer.

These habits tend to weaken and wipe out attractive thoughts in the minds of men. Loud, noisy, raucous, easily upset, lacks composure, doesn’t respect authority figures, heavy drinker, duplicates masculine behaviors, expects her feelings to govern each situation, lacks self-respect, explains herself continually, complains about others, tries to outdo men, blames men, blames anyone, looks for and finds faults in others, works hard to be liked, uses sex to get her way, likes marriage but doesn’t expect to pay a heavy price to get or keep it, micromanages the household and everyone in it, perfectionist by habit, thinks either she or he is a plaything, adolescent-mindedness shows in her decisions, won’t lead but rejects his leadership, gets in his face over incidentals, can’t stand to lose, unwilling to forgive, easily reminds others of past mistakes, not particularly grateful in spirit, elevates sex above marriage, not interested in what her man does, bad mouths husband to girlfriends, embarrasses her man in public, contradicts hubby in front of others.

Fifth, since this series is an exploratory effort, I could use feedback from you ladies to help make more sense of it for daily living. All ideas and help appreciated, especially those that help clarify.


Filed under courtship, Dear daughter, feminine, Her glory, sex differences


Not convinced yet? I continue with another Garden of Eden root that exemplifies the superior sex. I’ll kill the mystery now but you already know so it’s not really a mystery: Love is superior to respect (although men will disagree instinctively in defense of male dominance). These self-worth emotions are inherited at birth: her self-love and his self-respect. Consequently, she begins life with the advantage for inducing men to yield their interests sufficiently in order to provide and protect her and her children. Gifted with self-love enables women to love others according to the way that women love—emotionally and clearly not dependent on male-like logic and reason. Their love is virtually endless unless turned off by love objects. Not that they love everybody, but they are capable of it. Their hearts overflow with loving thoughts whereas the male heart is only capable of loving those who qualify. Gifted with self-respect enables men to respect others but there’s a catch. Women can love without it being earned by the one loved. Men are different. A man respects those who earn it either from him or someone else that he respects. Moreover, the foundation of masculine love is respect, which makes it essential that a sex target earn his respect if she hopes to be more than his target. OTOH, women love too easily for men; they can love someone without respecting them so men are suspicious of womanly claims of love because it’s so different from man-think. It puts couples in this fix. A woman can love a man all day. Without earning his respect, however, hers will be unrequited love. It begs the question, what does a woman have or do that earns manly respect? The list is practically endless but it boils down to this: She’s female and acts it; she’s uniquely not male; she has feminine qualities that he admires to the point of fascination; and she has promise as a potential mate. Out of all that, provided she is also likeable to him as a person and woman, a man can devote himself loyally to one woman. In a reverse maneuver to earn respect without giving away the store, women compensate instinctively with a superior technique. Before, during, and after women fall for a man, femininity calls for them to exercise patience and depend on him to make himself worthy of her. They make men the sellers and women the buyers. They recognize that it takes time for a man’s respect to grow, discover and admire her qualities, appreciate her fascination, and realize that she holds enough promise for him to see her as his mate, his helpmate for fulfilling his ambitions. That reverse maneuver puts women in the driver’s seat of the marital bus. Who has the superior role? Driver or shotgun? Without the females’ natural ability to exploit their patience in order to generate mutual love with a man, not much marriage or permanent mating takes place.

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Filed under Culture & Politics, Dear daughter, feminine, sex differences