Tag Archives: hook up

2098. Compatibility Axioms #531-540

531. When he shows interest, she starts out as targeted sex object. Her yielding confirms it. Hunters stop aiming at game already put down—except for arranging booty call. [198]

532. To each man interested in her, she’s a sex object. She yields and becomes something else. She does not yield and becomes something better for him—bigger challenge, rise above himself, something he has to earn by showing more respect for their mutual interest. [198]

533. Her withholding unmarried sex is the most valuable way to shift a man’s focus to feminine interests, especially away from male dominance. [198]

534. Before conquest he keeps looking for weaknesses to get her in bed. While doing so, he learns of her other qualities and strengths that can benefit him, and which can grow into promise that she has to be his mate. [198]

535. Female dominance works indirectly, beneath conscious thought. Her insistence on chastity before marriage forces him to choose. Either depart or enlarge his interest in all the other wonderful things she has to offer and qualities she has to charm and bless his life. [198]

536. Unmarried chastity with a man enables her to orchestrate his interest gently but deliberately through this sequence: girlfriend, sweetheart, fiancée, bride, wife. It’s her path to feminine glory. [198]

537. Her yielding unmarried sex empowers him to pursue this: hook up, link up, and maybe shack up until his freedom calls, and they split up. It’s his path to masculine glory. [198]

538. Male virginity has no value to females. Moreover, unmarried boys have little future use for the girl who taps it. [199]

539. A man changes dramatically after conquering a woman. She never knows what to expect either, which is why time and delay work better for women.[199]

540. Three major roles rooted in human nature trump love. Dominance for a couple comes in three colors: Dominant mate or the head, dominant nester or the heart, and dominant family leader or the most cherished. Marriage works best when that sequence matches this: him, her, and either. [199]


Filed under sex differences

1989. Self-gratitude — Where Her Troubles Begin

I figured out why men have little compunction about asking women for hang out and hook up in lieu of dates. Women are willing to be treated less than they deserve—less respect as a person, less worthy as a female, less regard as the superior sex. The dominant sex takes the easier way, because women don’t reinforce their own wishes and brace up their own feelings by standing up for their own selves. Actions change feelings, but women have forgotten how to exploit that principle. Men haven’t.

Men see women as not defending uniquely female values, standards, and expectations. They invite women to help pay for dates without risking loss of face. So, men suffer no loss of dignity by doing what women neither want nor appreciate. When women do stand up for themselves, men must expect and respect it or else they flunk the course of learning how to find acceptance on feminine terms—aka being tamed to honor female standards and expectations.

Women don’t appreciate themselves enough. They don’t protect female sensibilities and feminine expectations by telling men to bug off with their disrespectful proposals. Women just don’t preserve their superior role as females, and the root of malpractice is described in the next post.



Filed under feminine

1982. Compatibility Axioms #431-440

431. Women expect men to love as females do, but it’s another gene of inequality. Chromosome math always applies for true love:  xx ≠ xy. [148]
432. The woman so narrow-minded as to enter shack up or marriage based solely on romantic love and his words of commitment will likely join the ex crowd. Lesser but more female things over which she presides determine success at living together.  [148]
433. Women too eager for marriage accept a man’s verbal commitment, which does not stand the test of either time or other sex objects. [148]
434. To partake of promiscuous sexual freedom, women destroy the virtues that inspire a man to prove himself worthy of a woman. [148]
435. Twice-burned as an ex means she chooses losers instead of winners, ruins the winners with whom she partners, or both. [148]
436. When thinking as men do, women lose their relationship management expertise. Female bosses demo it. [148]
437. When women blame men for relationship ills, they refuse to focus on and consider their own faults. It makes their life simpler but not easier, more frustrating and less happy. [148]
438. Cheating husbands are blamed for breaking vows. However, other women complete the hook up. As with unmarried pregnancy, males are blamed for what females control. Thus, ever enlarging disrespect for the opposite sex emerges and grows out of female sexual freedom. [149]
439. A woman that makes herself easy or convenient for unmarried sex tells a man subliminally that her value is minimal, she’s common. Every other woman can do what she does. So, extra-ordinariness doesn’t accrue to her. Each man seeks to marry an extraordinary woman. [149]
440. Women feel lonely and fear more of the same. To ease their anxiety, they provide sex without testing a new man’s interest for other than sex. They come across as desperate, and it undermines or kills a man’s respect. [149]

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Filed under Dear daughter

1961. Compatibility Axioms #331-340

331. Women have to negotiate, trade off, and even ‘train’ men and their man to help pursue female interests. For example, she can rule the rooster, if she empowers him to rule the roost. [126]
332. Women for decades have proclaimed publicly that men are only after sex. For personal and political reasons, females rationalize that they deserve and can enjoy without penalty the benefits of the male nature. Those assumptions mislead women. They adopt masculine traits and habits and expect men to copy feminine traits, but the process breeds incompatibility. Men don’t change their nature. They fake what they have to in order to achieve frequent and convenient access to sex. [126]
333. When women don’t take advantage of their female nature, men respond unfavorably. When women don’t appreciate their femaleness to the fullest, men don’t either. For example, when women act like guys, men treat them like guys. If men marry guy-women, they don’t stay married very long. It’s very feminine females that make men take advantage of their male nature and shift responsibly into domestic compatibility. [126]
334. It happens after one-night stands or several dates. Women hook up only to wonder why his promised call never comes! The best odds for getting a call, for getting him to come back, is this: Refuse to hook up in the first place. [130]
335. Her mindset largely governs the ringing of her phone. It starts with the presence or absence of an attitude of gratitude about herself and her potential value for a man. If she doesn’t value herself highly, men won’t either.  [130]
336. If she’s ungrateful for herself and sees sex as her potential, she should expect booty calls. If she’s grateful for herself and sees denying sex as the tool for expanding her potential, she can expect calls to explore her other interests. [130]
337. Sex does not bond a man. It captures him until conquest and maybe a few more times. So, even when he does call after hook up, she may be viewed as potential duty slut. [130]
338. A woman holds a man by making him grateful for her in ways other than sex. This takes time and the delay of his conquest. [130]
339. To men after conquest, sex just happens, their relationship just is, and taking her for granted comes easily. Those are natural conqueror’s rights initiated by her yielding. So, her strategy and tactics before his conquest govern her life with each man. [130]
340. She may not know how or want to use it, but she holds the dominant position with a man until she yields. Use it or lose it. Lose it and she can’t use it. [130]


Filed under Dear daughter

1299. Coffee and Tea with Mrs. G. — #33

Ladies: I’ve been pondering these treasured nuggets and thought you might enjoy them too.

  • Happiness flows not from what she’s grateful for, but that she is grateful.
  • Female eagerness to hook up, couple up, or shack up severely weakens her influence for shaping her future with that man.
  • Lifetime love builds on her gratefulness for whatever and whoever stabilizes her future and emotional security.
  • Feminism produces among females an attitude of ingratitude for manly behavior. It turns men away from women except in pursuit of sex. Femininity produces an attitude of gratitude that attracts men. It compounds and uses each female’s personal assets and appealing attractions to both capture and hold a man.
  • This poor strategy causes women to lose the war of the sexes. She thinks sex will capture a man, her romancing will confirm him as the right man, and her love will hold him.
  • Don’t judge a man’s respect for a woman by the way he talks, teases, and jokingly complains about her. Judge his respect for her by the overall, large-picture way he treats her.
  • If he considers his ideas superior to hers, it’s not necessarily her but his nature. Feminine charm and anticipation can flush such bias from his head if he doesn’t know what’s happening.


Filed under Dear daughter

799. Adolescent Thinking Darkens Adult Life — I

A model of relationship building has become popular. Inexperience and ignorance of the male nature spreads its use.

Females hook up, link up, shack up, marry up, wake up, split up, and start up again. The pattern evolved over four decades, as adolescent thinking replaced adult maturity. Each generation of girls think they know more and better than previous ones about dealing with boys. They ignore the experience and reject the wisdom of older females and live their adult lives with little more than adolescent values.

A new generation emerges about every seven years. Newbies seek their own identity and uniqueness from siblings, and teens aim to avoid mom’s mistakes. (Incidentally, if they don’t know about mom’s mistakes, they have less reason to strike out independently or differently. Full disclosure damages child rearing in unimaginable ways.)

Cause: In the process of feminists convincing women to dislike male nature and patriarchy, females came to distrust and then dislike their own nature. If mothers didn’t teach it indirectly, daughters learned from mom’s complaints or experiences. As a result, each new generation takes a different view of males, which leads to different paths of life. (Is female prepubescent sex mom’s idea? Is mom teaching teen daughters to carry condoms mature or adolescent thinking?)

  • Each generation of young girls makes femininity more undesirable than their siblings and mothers. Role model grannies became obsolete several decades ago, as newer generations deserted family closeness to favor association with peer outsiders.
  • Females now use males as role models for attire, grooming, and behaviors that include exploiting sexual freedom. Consequently, male values sweep away female standards and override women’s expectations. Females twist in uncertainty, sense of unworthiness, and lack of self-appreciation. (The adolescent female mind works this way: If men don’t appreciate me for more than sex, why should I appreciate myself?)

Result: By abandoning femininity for feminist thought, females of every age and role drop interest and weaken their ability to civilize boys to female standards, tame adolescents and single males to live up to female expectations, and domesticate husbands for family responsibility.

  • Males are compensated with easy conquests, so they go along for the wonderful and unobligated ride that discourages family responsibility. Male values now dominate, and female values for stable home and family vaporize.
  • When females dislike being female and especially being very feminine, they are haunted with frustrations dealing with men. Even if successful at capturing or holding a man, they remain dissatisfied and unhappy. They blame men! It makes female frustration worse and pushes them toward over-eagerness, wishful thinking, hope instead of reality, and making themselves worthy of men instead of the reverse.

Consequently, adolescent thinking, values, and expectations shape the lives of everyone, weaken family influence, and cause further social decay. Such adolescent thinking promotes popularity as essential, fame/notoriety as great, and celebrities as role models. In these ways, adolescent values spread and further dominate self-interest and social life. 

Where does it end? When females keep their unmarried legs crossed, women can reestablish their control of cultural values, AKA why people do what they do in society. Following that, female relationship expertise can win men over to living up to family responsibility as the predominant and guiding institution for society.

Now, I’m not dumb enough to think that such things are forthcoming. But, I stress this point: The previous paragraph describes the macro, or society as a whole. In fact, the same principles work at the micro level, one couple as the whole.


Filed under Sociology 101

510. Virtual Virginity #22

Uncommitted single women float around in the social atmosphere ill prepared to succeed dealing with men:

¸ Some want a man so badly, they’ll do anything. They use sex as attraction and have no other game plan. They hook up with hope, only to later hear each guy’s “Nope.”

¸ Others want a man, but they’re uncertain, cautious, and either have no values and standards or don’t live by those they do have. Their game plan has holes in it. Men pounce on each weakness. The holes kill holding power and make easier his escape to the next trophy.

¸ Still others elevate their masculine-style sexual freedom above having one man. They have the wrong game plan, if they expect to hold a man for very long.

The same answer helps all three groups. Virtual virginity doesn’t foolproof the game, but it focuses a couple on themselves instead of sex and the future rather than the present. Both prospects interest a man, and that’s holding power.


Filed under Uncategorized, virginity


   Women discover the hard way that relationships don’t develop well or work smoothly. Most pass through something akin to the following sequence of major events. Entry, exit, pregnancy, and childbirth may come after any of several wayside stops:
















Women participate and rationalize trying again, but they don’t like it. They seek more faithful, reliable, and enduring love in order to remove uncertainties and stabilize marriage with emotional cement.

Permanently exiting this fast lane requires knowledge of who and what built it. Part II describes root causes in the next post, #378.


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