Tag Archives: Male adoration

2777. Well-liked Article (#23 posted in 2007)

Femininity, once a source of power and eliteness for females, has been made an object of scorn and ridicule by feminists. Women no longer appreciate that femininity adds color to a man’s black and white world, as one woman explains to Alison Armstrong in her book, Keys to the Kingdom.

Feminists consider men as undeserving of special attention and care. Yet, they eagerly provide what makes men highly appreciative—that is, frequent, convenient, inexpensive, and unobligated sex. That contradiction works directly against women looking for the Marrying Man and seeking marital success.

Feminism demeans the male nature in order to promote the status and political power of females. Femininity appreciates the male nature, applauds manliness, and empowers men to provide relationship stability, safety, and security.

Feminism focuses on making men unnecessary and dispensable in order to uplift females in legal, political, and economic circles and social and domestic stature. Femininity focuses on the high value and indispensability of men in order to uplift women and children above the depredations of extreme male aggression—and in today’s environment—the threat of child molesters.

Feminism rejects as undeserving both castle-building and hut maintenance for a man. Femininity kisses frogs, treats princes as royalty, and specializes on lavishing warmth and affection on everyone in the king’s castle.

Feminism politically empowers females to act like roosters and emulate the man of the house. Femininity endows females with the self-worth, self-image, and self-confidence to rule their rooster by letting him appear to rule the roost.

Feminism produces an attitude of ingratitude for manly behavior that pushes men away—except for their relentless pursuit of sex. Femininity produces an attitude of gratitude that attracts men and uses each female’s personal assets and appealing attractions to hold a man.

Feminism elevates sex above marriage, encourages eroticism, accepts promiscuity, stimulates pornography, allows sexual activity among children, and fails to discourage such things when opened for public discussion. Femininity subordinates sex to marriage, rejects eroticism out of modesty, disdains promiscuity as alien to relationship success, educates against porn as destructive to kids and family, protects children from adult sexual license, and promotes civilized behavior as keeping sex confined to the marital bed.

Feminism discourages women from chastising men who exploit their masculine advantages. Feminists expect to change the male nature to reduce male strengths. Femininity capitalizes on male strengths, compensates for weaknesses of both sexes, and eagerly helps build and maintain a man’s castle, since women are made potentially compatible with men by their drive to nest, nurture, and nestle with loved ones.

Feminism relies on and promotes the masculine games of might-makes-right, rule of man, and winning is more important than how one plays. Femininity relies on and promotes the females’ instinctive preference for right-makes-might, rule of law, and how one plays the female friendly game.

Feminism discourages male adoration in spite of a lot of female wishful thinking. Femininity inspires male adoration with little effort, because of female reliance on letting nature take its course in spite of feminist politics.

Feminism produces principles and ideology that divide the sexes as feminists try to conquer the political agenda. Femininity uses principles and ideology that unite and unify couples into stable and long-lasting families.

Feminism insists that women have the same capability as men for producing, providing, protecting, and problem-solving. Femininity supplies glory and high values that energize the unique ability of men as wartime defenders, peacetime providers, anytime protectors of women and children, and reliable solver of family problems.

Feminism reverses the best interest of females by restructuring social values that enable men to dominate more successfully. The traditional family is not essential. Men are not essential to female happiness. To show female independence, women are pushed to compete directly with their man, which men refuse to accept. Mothers are not responsible to civilize boys; someone else should do that even though modern boys are becoming more violent, disrespectful of authority, and take greater advantage of young girls. Femininity endorses and promotes the opposite.


Filed under boobs, Culture & Politics, feminine, Feminism: OOPS!, old school, Sociology 101

352. Nature Trumps Psychobabble

What people really believe, they practice and live out. Every female’s belief system determines whether she succeeds living with a man. Following are five examples that Nature decides contrary to what modern women have chosen to believe.

·     Males and females differ. Feminist theory and dogma can’t contradict what God designed and Nature provides.

·     Organizations with two equal bosses ultimately collapse in favor of one, the other, or neither. If he can rule the roost, she can learn to rule the rooster. If she must rule the roost, he will find another hen. It’s Nature more than her.

·     She says, “I can do it all,” but the female nature itself prevents her getting it all—by herself, that is.

·     Women expect to enjoy pre-marital sex without becoming his ex, but every day against their wishes Nature delivers more female exes.

·     Females expect that male adoration should follow feminist behavior. It’s the females’ due. However, Nature insists and reminds daily—for those looking hard enough—that male adoration flows toward the brand of extreme femaleness known as femininity.

Nature has much more to do with relationship success than what many women believe should determine success.



Filed under How she loses, Uncategorized

176. Female Fortitude —1 through 10

1.     Feminism discourages manly adoration of women. Femininity inspires it.

2.     As women go, so goes society. Men do whatever is necessary to have frequent and convenient access to sex. If women insist on marriage, men marry.

3.     Both sexes have ADD.  Females have Affection Deficit Disorder. Males have Affection Delivery Disorder.

4.     Sex differences appear unfair when one sex strives to uplift itself at the expense of the other.

5.     Women are not ignorant of men, but what they know is often wrong.

6.     It’s the man’s game, but women go along to get along. They learn to hook up, link up, shack up, knock up, marry up, hurry up, frighten up, muck up, ‘fess up, split up, and pay up just as good as any man.

7.     He marries expecting her not to change, but she does. She marries expecting him to change, but he doesn’t.

8.     Women steal husbands and committed boyfriends and expect them to be faithful after rewarding them for infidelity.

9.     Earning and keeping a man’s devotion is more her job than his obligation. Women need a man more than the reverse.

10.            She kisses a frog. He becomes her prince. Then, she changes after they marry. She loses her servant’s heart and provides a queen-dominated hut.

These ‘fortitudinals’ provide themes or summarize posts. The paragraph numbers match the posts.  

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Filed under feminine, Uncategorized