751. The Majesty of Sex — II

In what follows, let’s exclude gals truly seeking one night stands, seducing men just to have sex, or providing it in exchange for political or business favors. Conquest is not the name of that game.

Unmarried sexual conquest is self-defeating for women. They don’t yield without expecting their lives to somehow be involved afterward with the man. They may yield out of love, but they have underlying motives. They may want to be a girlfriend, fiancée, or wife, but too easily they end up as booty aka lover aka mistress aka almost-dumped or actually dumped.

Women bribe men to help pursue female hopes and dreams. The ‘unworkability’ should be obvious.

  • Women appreciate what they are given, and they give in return to endorse the spirit. It works well with and between women.
  • But men are different; they appreciate what they accomplish. Giving sex for the sake of giving, pleasing, or bribing a man poisons her motives to him.
  • Self-defeat starts here: Once he’s conquered her ultimate resistance or greatest asset, she has too little else worth investing his total self in her. Sex with her now or prospects for more do not brighten his future. (A long ‘no-sex’ courtship can help reverse this effect.)
  • Whether intended as gift to please or reward to capture, unmarried sex becomes an unsuccessful bribe. Although she may capture him, she loses so much holding power that their relationship takes on a temporary cast at best. 
  • When bought off with sexual bribery, future sex falls empty on his psyche. He’s for frequent and convenient access to her for sex, but bribery exposes her to extortion by him. Her value to him lowered with conquest.

Bribery just doesn’t work. Once she yields, she has no ultimate asset to attract his ultimate asset, namely investment of his independence. His rewards that promise his future presence come only from his investment in her as described in tomorrow’s post.


Filed under Fickle female

3 responses to “751. The Majesty of Sex — II

  1. Abigail

    Perhaps I’m just in a bad mood today but marriage seems like a raw deal for women. Maybe the gold-diggers have the right idea. At least they have something to show for it once they’ve been used up. (For sex, housekeeping services, childcare, shopping etc.) I most definitely won’t be a working woman and a wife. That’s a total rip-off, just as I’ve always thought.

    Guy I’m not a feminist but sometimes your writing makes me feel like women have a very bad deal. Surely men aren’t all as selfish as you make them sound!

    Your Ten-ness Princess Abigail,

    I hope you’ve recovered from the bad mood. Your comments always enlighten us, and I hate to see you feeling down, especially because of me. So, I’ll tackle what you say but with new articles #757 and 758 starting Monday.


    • A.GuyMaligned

      Your Highness Abigail,

      I regret that I have been unable to get my arms around what you look for. Neither today’s 757 post nor 758 tomorrow does it. Sorry about that.

      As I write this, however, something begins to sink in. So, maybe, I’ll respond more appropriately soon.


  2. easybreezy

    Guy not to be a party pooper but sometimes I feel the same way. The men around me these days I just don’t find all that appealing. 😦

    Your Exceptionalness Easybreezy,
    I’m working on a response. It’ll take some time to do you justice. Look for an article Wednesday or Thursday morning.

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