1605. Advertising Online for Dates — Part IVa

I started this series not knowing how it would proceed or end, and I’m not done yet. Today, I cite and describe some principles for implementing the strategy shown in part III.

I’m not telling you what or how to do things. Use these principles and examples to shape your thinking more than filling in your ad. You want to be unique for the reason shown in the first principle.

  1. Be different from other women. They and not men are your competition for answering ads, marriage, and everything in between.
  2. Shape and phrase your ad to make men the sellers. For example: I never disclose who or what I am except face-to-face. I expect to look a guy in the eye to judge his honesty and for him to see if my eyes tickle his fancy. Then we can get to know each other. (Mystery arises out of polite refusal to disclose.)
  3. Make the seller pitch his product. For example: I admire men of quality. What can you bring that I can admire?
  4. Make the seller disclose who and what he is. For example: Imagine that you’re a bulging piñata ready to be burst open with a stick. What prizes would I get?
  5. Identify his character with questions. For example: Where did you get your work ethic? Who taught you to be a man? What man or men do you admire most? Who means the most to you and your life? How would you define integrity? What do you admire most in women? In men? What do you admire most in yourself? Do you like the concept of women being ladies?
  6. Be mysterious by using questions about yourself rather than statements. For example: How would you propose that we match and merge our different values, standards, and expectations? You know, if I like monogamy, how would you play that tune? Or, If I like to raise children, how do you visualize helping?
  7. Fish with live bait. For example: Guys are never more handsome than when they please my heart and figure out new ways to please me. Or, Guys are never more handsome than when they are chivalrous around and gentlemanly with women.
  8. When he has to figure things out about you, he invests himself in doing so. Every little bit helps. For example: I aspire to be a mom. Were we married, what kind of mother would you like me to be? Do you aspire to be a father? What kind?
  9. The buyer always wants more information. For example: My strengths are hidden in hopes and dreams about monogamous marriage. Dare you apply and try to measure up?—not soon but someday.
  10. Build ads with phrases that describe who you are and what you seek. For example: I don’t care who or what you are until I hear how you react to me face-to-face. Let’s meet to see if we can measure up to each other.

Continued tomorrow at post 1606.


Filed under How she wins

3 responses to “1605. Advertising Online for Dates — Part IVa

  1. Catherine

    “Be mysterious by using questions about yourself rather than statements.” -Guy

    Sir Guy,

    If I were to write that this tactic produced delightful success in a fiercely competitive event last night, how would you respond? 😉

    Your Highness Catherine,
    Delighted that you found it delightfully successful. Life is all about you figuring out what works for you.

  2. Laura

    Princess Catherine,

    I would love to hear details. The concepts Mr Guy discusses are sometimes difficult for me to grasp, and sink in much better when I can hear concrete examples.

    Thank you,


    • Catherine

      Your Highness Laura,

      Hello. 🙂

      Sir Guy and other lovely ladies may be more able to help concepts sink in for you through descriptive examples. I’m rather shy for now about posting much detail about specific adventures.

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