601. Response to Viewer — Item 13

Her Ladyship Princess Rita said: “… I’m trying to get a true understanding of what may have caused the feminist movement.”

I undertook to describe the roots of Feminism. It’s definitely WWNH. But it takes me off the main theme of the blog. So, I ask your opinion. Would you be interested in reading about matters such as these?

·        Feminism’s hidden agenda is the imposition of another culture on top of the American Judeo-Christian culture. The taproot extends a century back in American history, and it remains part of a larger political movement that rattles our culture today.

·        The radical feminist founders and acolyte ‘political correctioneers’ use females as instruments of political gain. They make what works for their hidden agenda sound like benefits for all females, or if necessary, vice versa. Incrementalism eventually overcomes obstructions, and it continues today.

·        Some female benefits are worthwhile, no doubt about that. But, radicals and activists hide the political goals that produced these cultural disturbances: Turmoil generated between the sexes. Moral relativism advanced. Religion mocked. Virginity mocked. Unmarried sex promoted. Family values watered down. Male dominance increased.  

·        Understanding certain terms is essential to grasping what “caused the feminist movement” as Princess Rita requests. Terms such as: democracy, republic, federalism, capitalism, fascism, socialism, progressivism. Also, constitutional principles chosen by the Founding Fathers to prevent the accumulation of too much power, which they saw as tyrannical by definition.

Care to see how politics helps or limits the fulfillment of female hopes and dreams? If yes, let me hear it.

Bona fides: My degrees are in political science. My experience includes the U.S. House of Representatives as a congressman’s chief of staff and four years in academia as professor or dean. Also, I spent two decades sworn to uphold the Constitution.


Filed under Feminism: OOPS!

10 responses to “601. Response to Viewer — Item 13

  1. Kathy


    I think knowing the roots will help see the ramifications for the negatives that they are. Having been unwittingly steeped in feminist culture — although I was raised in a very conservative and pro-traditional family and church, the culture is quite pervasive — I know I must have imbibed more than I thought, and getting a good antidote focusing on the reasons the feminist movement is/was wrong, where it went wrong, and how it messes up society and marriages today would be beneficial.

  2. Sharon

    Yes, Guy. Also, please continue to expand on how we may counter all of this in every area of our lives: in our individual homes, churches, neighborhoods, communities, and beyond.

  3. Robyn

    I agree with Kathy. An informed public is an empowered one, one that can throw off the chains and shackles of feminazism’s lies. Feminism is so pervasive, so subtle, so insidious that people don’t know it when they see it. Uncovering its roots, its purposes and its methods will empower people to see how they are being manipulated through experimental cultural changes to serve someone else’s purposes, while at the same time making them unhappy and discontented.

  4. Miss Terri

    YES!!! Some of us older ones, raised in a more traditional era who might have been fortunate enough to have had verbal Victorian era grandmothers who may have shared old time wisdom, may understand the changes that have taken place but for those who have grown up in a feminist saturated climate, must understand how we got into the mess we are now in. As Doug Phillips of Vision Forum has said, “Does a fish know it’s wet?” In other words, what is considered “the norm” is not normal or right at all and we have got to understand why.

  5. Princess Rita

    That sounds wonderful Guy and if possible, like Sharon mentioned, “please continue to expand on how we may counter all of this in every area of our lives”. I’m so excited to learn more.

    What Robyn wrote about manipulation resonates. I’m going to be careful not to get political but I see this is today with “race relations”. Take a group that has any feeling at all of being disenfranchised and play it up. It divides and causes chaos and helps meet the goals of those with an agenda. It’s the devil’s work, for sure.

    Thank you Guy for everything!

  6. Jill F.

    I think it would be very helpful to know the true roots of feminism (and its ugly sisters such as abortion and eugenics).
    There may be other blogs which focus exclusively on revealing the true agenda of feminism but why not do a series on it since many of the struggles women are discussing here have roots in this specific ideology?
    The roots of the feminist movement are ugly and evil and both women and men need to research on their own as well.

  7. Laura


    Guy – might it be worthy of an additional Page in the blog? Something easily and immediately accessible to viewers?

  8. dogsandfitness

    “Some female benefits are worthwhile, no doubt about that. But, radicals and activists hide the political goals that produced these cultural disturbances…”

    Thanks for saying that. Women deserve equal pay for equal work and other *similar* equalities. I never asked to be treated like a male nor have I ever wished to be male. Never! While I am not a religious person, I know from simple logic that traditional male and female roles works best for any civilized society to peacefully exist.

    Understanding the whys of things is important in order to discredit and dismantle them. I think it would be beneficial for women to have a deeper understanding of the radical feminist movement. It would be a HUGE eye-opener to women who think that feminists had our best interests at heart when they actually used us as a part of a dangerous social experiment.

  9. Adrian

    Most definitely, yes.

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