951. Submission or Submissive? — Section A: The Difference

First, let’s deal with and clarify term usage: Men expect female submission. Women expect to follow their natural submissive spirit.

  • Major differences exist between the terms. Submission is energized by competitive intent. Submissiveness is energized by cooperative spirit.
  • Women live by and foster submissiveness, when they like themselves as female, their man as mate, and their relationship for permanency. It helps capture a man, hold him, and prove that women don’t play the male game of submission.
  • Submission is what men think they expect. This doesn’t mean they know what they want just because they expect it. It’s a manly argument that men use to win their point, to act and appear dominant, to defend their seemingly invaluable role as provider-protector. Submission sounds like and is used as a male weapon.
  • Men expect female submission, because it stops challenges to his superior role as provider-protector. Women offer a submissive spirit, because it reduces competitive conflict and fosters cooperation. The terms are nowhere near the same, except when women forgo their superior position and advantage.
  • Men anticipate filling the marital role and expect spouse’s submission to husband’s authority and dominance. After marriage, they aren’t nearly as demanding unless challenged by wife. If they don’t have to prove their worth, they’re much less inclined to seek or require submission.
  • However, submission is more a game founded on intentions rather than real life. Women are foolish, if they accept submission as men claim it as privilege or natural right. The females’ best strategy: Ignore the subject, refuse to talk about it with men as it has the same effect as getting in their face. In the final analysis, submission isn’t relevant to her future life anyway, because her submissive spirit nullifies it.

Don’t for an instant presume that I’m contradicting the bible. I believe it whole-heartedly. I can’t help it that biblical injunctions call for women to be submissive to husband, and men convert it to their version, submission.

NOTE: Earlier articles on this subject appear as posts 56, 72, and 73.


Filed under Home CEO

5 responses to “951. Submission or Submissive? — Section A: The Difference

  1. Denise

    Very interesting distinctions. How serious do you think a woman should take a particular man’s bent toward overtly demanding submission in evaluating him for marriage? You mention that men in general expect submission, but some are also more controlling and domineering than others. Is it something she should try to dance around, or take it more as a red flag?

    Also, I frequent a forum for women and a lot of times relationships and marriage is discussed. This particular post is something that I’d like to share? Do I have permission to post it there? Do you have any preferences in general in that regard?


    Your Stunningness Denise,
    I have no objection to your posting it. However, I’d prefer that you post extract(s) and reference the source for the remainder.
    I’ll address your questions tomorrow morning. (Completed)
    P.S. I answered your questions in new article, 952. What ‘Submit’ Means to Him.

  2. Winni

    “Women are foolish, if they accept submission as men claim it as privilege or natural right. The females’ best strategy: Ignore the subject, refuse to talk about it with men as it has the same effect as getting in their face.”

    Hi. I’m thinking about this connection, but I can’t figure out how it has the same effect as getting in their face? The only thing I can think of is if it instills an expectation for him for making others submit? Thank you for this blog 🙂

    Your Highness Winni,

    Welcome aboard. It’s a great day when another pretty woman joins us on this cruise to WhatWomenNeverHear.

    He expects you to submit. Modern men have been programmed to believe in it to a fault. When you refuse or object, you enter into competition with him, and men avoid or refuse to compete with their woman. Any persistence or insistence on your part is pushing on him in ways he can’t or won’t accept, which has the same effect as arguing back, which when submission is the subject, is the same as getting in the King’s face.


    • Winni

      Thank you so much.

      So accepting submission does not have the same effect as getting in their face? That is the connection I was thinking about. 🙂

      Your Highness Winni,
      I intended to re-run a series on submission, so I will just run it earlier to bring you fully informed about the subject. Let me know if you find answers to your concerns.

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