1298. An Unflattering Light

I screwed up. I opened a subject I didn’t have to let out of the bag. Stuck with it, however, I owe explanation rather than dodge it. Remember: This blog focuses on the motivational forces that arise from the male and female natures. Their natures before individual values, beliefs, and emotions are implanted.

I commented: “However, what women never hear is this: Any woman loses the respect of the man that she permits to ejaculate anywhere on or in her but her vagina.” Here’s the rest of the story.

Values, beliefs, and emotions override this fact, but both males and females know intuitively that natural sex means intercourse, period. Anything else is wrong or at least contestable as to its propriety. For example, contestable by females.

However, male dominance plays out in many variations that go far beyond the natural. One variant in particular has a dominated person perform something the dominator knows deep inside is wrong. When the dominated person does as expected, they appear in an unflattering light or worse. It signifies to the dominator that he has greater than natural control over the dominated, and thus has less respect for someone so malleable to his will.

Four social and cultural conditions keep women unaware of some truths.

  1. Men dominate the pop culture and impose male-friendly values. (When women dominated cultural values, society followed more natural sexual behaviors.)
  2. The pop culture hides the universal naturalness of intercourse-only by inventing every deviation conceivable.
  3. Many couples continue in relationships with high respect flowing only one way, toward the man. Women learn to live with reduced respect and mutual toleration. Thus, men have frequent and convenient sex at lowest cost to their interest.
  4. Men blame other reasons for disrespecting a woman they choose to drop, dump, or abandon. (They exemplify the adage, ‘Never trust what people say motivates them’.)

The rest of the story ends here: Men lose respect for women that don’t hamper and prevent men from satisfying their sexual wishes. Women are kept unaware by the males’ natural drive to dominate. The roots go back a few decades. The Dark Side of Feminism series makes this point: Feminists seek to eliminate patriarchy, but they have only increased male dominance.

At this point, I prefer to drop the subject. I know many objections are forthcoming. However, unless you wish to dispute the natural aspects that I cover, I wish no further comment. We’ve nothing to gain enlarging a subject more appropriate at other blogs.


Filed under Culture & Politics

17 responses to “1298. An Unflattering Light

  1. Abigail

    A sensitive subject but you handled it so well. I agree 100% with what you have said. Due to media influence, our society has come to the point where degrading ones sex partner is no longer seen as the unkind, sick behavior that it is. I seriously doubt a woman’s hopes and dreams of being cherished will be realized with a man she allows to do this to her.

  2. Lora

    Guy, what I love about this website is how you present so many points with logic that flows from common sense (i.e., nature).

    This is probably “TMI” and part of the subject you wish to drop, but it’s what I thought after reading this: I’m an only child, and when my only female cousin got married, I was a teen. Our grandmother told her not to let her husband have oral sex with her (only she didn’t say it quite like that). I remember thinking, “What if that’s what my husband wants? Won’t it be my duty?” Unlike other types of deviant sexual behavior, I didn’t see the big deal. Back then. If natural sex is sex, then anything else is an imposter with no place in marriage. Maybe there can be disagreement; I just hope that if I marry, my husband doesn’t ask for any thing to do a job it wasn’t made to do.

  3. zipporah

    You’re sooo right about this one–the sad thing about it today is that many WOMEN are letting the guys have ANAL SEX WITH THEM as well– I didnt oral sex was deviant behavior, although ive heard from the elders back then that it was–I use to think oral sex was ok if that was what he wanted, but all this came from was the porn that surfaced in the 1960s and not much more

  4. Damascus

    I don’t want to be inappropriate but is it considered degrading for a husband to perform oral sex on his wife?

    Your Highness Damascus,

    Remember, this has only to do with the male nature and not anything to do with his values, beliefs, passion, and other emotional loading. You describe husband subjecting her to his dominance, so I would say not degrading for wife.

    However, does he lose any of her respect for bypassing her natural preference? Does she undergo guilt, anxiety, or some conscience aches and pains? Again, it’s a function of her values, beliefs, passion, and other emotional loading.


  5. My problem with this is that some men will use this as a rationalization to have a mistress: I don’t want to ask my wife to do (or my wife won’t do) the things that my mistress will. So as a wife, wouldn’t it be better to oblige her husband’s interests as opposed to having him do it with someone else. But I suppose that question is part of the can of worms you may not want to open and I respect that.

    Your Highness Zabeth,

    Your problem is not THE problem. Men need not rationalize to have a mistress. Their hunter-conqueror nature pushes them toward other women, and their integrity keeps them faithful.

    Wife can oblige husband’s sexual wishes, but how does it affect his integrity, love, respect for her, vow-keeping, and motivation to elevate and keep his love and vows near the top of his interests? Does her relationship expertise and harmonizing of family interests help promote his faithful interests? Those are the questions to ponder. Rationalizing is merely a distraction from the real cause of infidelity.


  6. Katarina

    I’m glad you screwed up and I like your comments and thinking, even though I have tried to overcome some of these feelings all my life. It just went against my natural feelings. Thanks so much for your thoughts on this.

  7. elle

    If the couple is unable to have sex the “natural” way for medical reasons are these other sex acts still disrespectful? Would the couple be better off with no sex at all?

    Your Highness Elle,
    Your question doesn’t fit blog theme. Who knows but the couple and perhaps their doctor? Why should blog readers care?

    • Abigail

      The exception is never the rule. Sir Guy was speaking of the “average” couple.

      I think a woman knows when she is being degraded or not. It’s not rocket science.

      • elle

        So you think that a degrading sex act becomes less degrading if the natural way isn’t possible? And a lot of women clearly don’t know. If you don’t feel degraded by the act, you still don’t know if he thinks that he is degrading you by doing it. Anyway I’d like to know what Guy thinks. A lot of couples will face this issue in their marriages.

        Your Highness Elle,
        Guy has three thoughts: Couples resolve their own unique problems. You continually provoke rather than sincerely inquire, for example misinterpreting and accusing Abigail. And NO, I neither wish nor intend to continue this discussion or your theme.

        • elle

          I am pregnant and may be on bed rest for an extended period of time. I was asking for me, not to provoke. I believe that my situation is fairly common. My question to abigail certainly wasn’t an accusation. I guess I will figure it out. Thanks for your time.

          Your Highness Elle,
          If I misspoke, I regret it. I’m very sorry to hear of your difficulties and pray you’ll receive the very best care from both doctors and husband.

          • elle

            That’s OK Guy. I was trying to avoid the embarassment of just asking for help, but beating around the bush often leaves you open to being misinterpreted. I’m sorry for any offense my clumsy attempt at indirectness caused.

            Your Highness Elle,
            Thanks for the lift up. Your feminine graciousness brightly outshines my masculine clumsiness.

  8. *enchante*

    WOW Sir Guy. You have that male and female nature down pat. Paula Broadwell is in the military and not at low rank. The military is male dominant no matter how many high ranking women are therein. All women are attracted to alpha men even if feminism tells them not to be. They are put in the position of old fashioned CONCUBINE..and for some reason they think thats POWER? On the other hand you have Holly Petraeas who needed to have a super makeover years ago. If i were her, i wouldnt let my husband who was married to me over 37 years have her write a book about him. HOLLY JUST NEEDED TO HAVE PRETTY TIME and it wouldnt have gone This far..she should know that a man in uniform is similar to a lady with a good shape and feminine dress~its the polarity. BTW i just heard something sad today: theres a 9 year old GIRL playing football with boys and many people dont care. Most 9 year old girls are the same as boys in strength..but what happens later when she COMPETES with stronger boys.

    Your Highness Enchante,
    I immediately understood Patraeas when I got one look at Holly. You couldn’t be more right, she needed “a super makeover years ago.” Of course, it shouldn’t happen; men should have more character. I hate to say it but character is easily subordinated by Nature and masculine imagination.

  9. Brown_eyes

    Mr. Guy!
    When a husband asks his wife for oral sex, should she say no directly and firmly, or should she be indirect and vague about it?

    Your Highness Brown_eyes,

    Directly and firmly. Here’s why.

    First, turn to your conscience. Is it right or wrong? If wrong in your heart for whatever reason, refuse and take a determined stand against it and never give in. Holding out questioningly or temporarily makes you appear weak, less respectful, and invites him to push harder for you to submit to his desire. (How about what he asks for next? When will it be wrong for you and how weak will be your resistance?)

    Second, he may demean or even threaten you in order to get you to cave in. If you do, you will dislike or hate yourself for letting him talk you into it. How you feel about yourself is more important than how he feels about you.

    Third, here’s the crux of the issue. He respects you at some level now. If you refuse and he finally convinces you, his respect for you will diminish. If you refuse and successfully stand by your guns and never accede to his wishes, his respect for you expands somewhat—although he may proclaim the opposite as inducement for you to change. (Persistence usually pays off for men.)

    Fourth, if his respect for you grows, it doesn’t mean that other factors in your life are sufficient to sustain his respect and, hence, his love of you. So, whether you do or don’t isn’t critical to your relationship. It’s just another relationship issue to decide.

    Now, let me deepen the issue and perhaps turn off many readers. Women lose some of a man’s respect when they proactively contribute in the sex act. Respect for females arises more out of male curiosity and imagination than what women actually do during sex. Men don’t bond from having sex but a man’s love is founded on his respect for the love object.

    Both sexes are never satisfied; they want more. Not just more sex but more out of life. Unless limits are placed, infringers lose respect for those infringed upon. OTOH, when limits are imposed, would-be infringers learn to more dearly respect those who refuse.

    Men are energized by curiosity and imagination, but they respect a fleshy female receptacle because it puts them in charge of their main natural objective: thrusting their way to significance. It provides the sense of total dominance. Oral sex does not provide the same.

    It’s why prostitution is the oldest profession. Male curiosity and imagination are fulfilled in ways that do not disturb respect and love within the home.


  10. Femme

    Sir Guy,
    you consistently say that recovery is everything because we all make mistakes at one point or another…
    I was wondering about V V. If a woman finally had a light bulb moment and started respecting herself by practising it, but has in the past made EVERY mistake in the book with a particular man (including a short lived shack up and some of the things mentioned in the above post)…Partly because she was used to people pleasing and didn’t know her own boundaries, partly because he was very good at manipulating her into doing the very things he WOULDN’T respect her for doing but telling her this was exactly what she needed to do to GET his respect… On one hand, she can be grateful for the lesson because she now knows what absolutely NOT to do. She can start getting her self respect back. The man may even start respecting her somewhat, too.
    But the things she has done in the past cannot be erased. BOTH of them will always remember them and they can be brought up at any time.
    Is there a way around this or is it better for the woman to cut her losses and find herself another Mr Good Enough even if she loves the other man dearly? Can she ever have his full respect that could lead to a happy long lasting marriage?

    Also, on another note, there are relationship experts out there (mostly male I notice) that try to tell women that if they don’t perform certain sexual acts for their husbands they will likely be dumped. Then the experts offer fool proof manual techniques to make sure it won’t happen.
    I really wish this industry was regulated somehow.
    It’s a real jungle out there these days.

    Your Highness Femme,

    Last paragraph: Ignore such “advice”. Acceptance of such practice lowers a woman to the man’s level at which he loses most of his respect for her. In his mind, if she will stoop to his level of craving, she deserves what she gets which means his total dominance and disregard of what she values but he doesn’t.

    Next to last paragraph: Quit worrying about what might happen later. Begin now to do both. Cut off the ex and shift to VV. Then begin looking for someone else. If ex remains interested in you under VV conditions, there’s hope that his interest may grow. Otherwise, go with someone else and don’t look back.


    • Femme

      Sir Guy,
      thank you!
      You have just helped me understand the Madonna vs whore syndrome a little better.
      It looks like guys have this curiosity and cravings and are more than happy to satisfy them, but then stop respecting the very women who help them do it. (what would happen if prostitution ceased to exist?)
      What I don’t understand is how anybody can still claim women have more equality now. To me it seems we are more dominated than ever?
      How come we don’t know this stuff???
      I know the answer of course, it’s just so frustrating to find out that there is literally no one out there apart from you who talks about these things.
      Men are happy with the status quo but are they really better off.

      Your Highness Femme,

      Great observations and conclusions. Right on.

      As to “Men are happy with the status quo but are they really better off.” Freedom to successfully pursue conquests has this effect. Conquests confirm male dominance like nothing else; penetration means he owns her. Refusal to yield enables women to force a man to look for more or something else, out of which he learns that dominance is not nearly as sound a philosophy as mating up with a good woman who earned mucho respect by not yielding. Other guys must have also missed out, which adds to her worth as wife candidate.


      • Femme

        Sir Guy,
        You explain it better but this is exactly what I mean: women are more dominated than ever. Yet we still think the biggest problem today is the pay inequality. I don’t think so.
        I have a friend with 3 daughters. The eldest is 25 and has a boyfriend… We were talking once and I mentioned I would very much want my daughter (who is now 8) to remain a virgin till marriage. My friend exclaimed “hahaha! What planet are you on? Good luck with that!”. She couldn’t decide if I was more funny or backward. This attitude seems NORMAL these days – and I was guilty of it once, too. Freedom prevails, marriage has lost its appeal even to women. I think this might be one of the biggest issues. Some women seem to think by NOT marrying they have dodged the bullet. Looking around at some guys though, one might think they are quite right. But in the meantime families get broken and there are more and more single parents of both sexes.
        I am wondering how to put my children on the right path against peer pressure and the media onslaught.

        Your Highness Femme,

        You say, “I am wondering how to put my children on the right path against peer pressure and the media onslaught.”

        The more that children are inculcated with and learn to live by mature ADULT values, standards, and expectations, the less impressive and influential will be their peers and the media after puberty.

        Mother’s guidance can be found in the Holy Bible and other moral imperatives. Do you monitor media outlets and forbid certain programs and subjects? It’s crucial that you do. Focus their entertainment on clean adult-level mature TV shows and movies rather that children’s, especially teen shows.

        Don’t teach children to be good kids, teach them to be good adults. Elevate their ambitions above the teen circuit. What will they do or dream of doing as adults? How will that pursuit fit in with the religious and moral values, standards, and expectations that mother teaches them today? The more they dream and think of their long-range future, the less interest they find in other things after puberty.

        As to girls, I’ve written many articles on virginity, chastity, conquest, and mothering. See the CONTENTS at blog HOME page.

        If they can lock onto their own dream about life as an adult, aspiring to some glorious ambition, they will much more easily and shockingly pass through adolescence.


        • Femme

          Sir Guy,
          thank you. I have taken on board what you have said and seems to me that what I need to do first is make sure I myself have a set of adult rules that I stick to.
          And ambitions and plans, values and standards. Just dawned on me that kids learn by imitation.
          Yes, I do monitor what they watch but I haven’t figured out what to do for them to want to watch the films and programmes that I would like them to watch.
          I have found that if I try to convince, the effect is opposition.
          They also need room to make mistakes, I suppose.
          Thank you for pointing out to me that it’s important for the children to aspire to some ambition. That, I think, is the antidote to them wanting to do something just because everybody else around is doing it. We don’t watch too much telly, thank God, so they don’t get much exposure to commercials. But peer pressure (and allure) is something I continually struggle with.

          Your Highness Femme,

          “I have found that if I try to convince, the effect is opposition.
          They also need room to make mistakes, I suppose.”

          Truth grows in your home. Congratulations.


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