1319. RANDOM THOUGHTS—Group 44

  • Women are great cooperators and therefore excel at marriage. Men are great competitors and therefore excel in single life. Women should learn to compete better in their bachelorette days. Men should learn to cooperate better in their married days.
  • To raise good kids, teach girls to make themselves important in their own eyes. Teach boys to see themselves as admirable. Teach girls to find things to admire about boys. Teach boys to find high value in girls’ strength to stand up for things and courage to stand up to boys. (Boys automatically appreciate girls’ accomplishments. Girls automatically appreciate boys’ importance in life. So, those don’t have to be taught directly.)  
  • Boys pursue sex until stopped by a girl’s self-confidence that rises up to protect her virtue. (If necessary by damaging masculine self-respect.) Successfully protecting her virtue enhances her self-respect, which reinforces her self-confidence. So, confidently protecting what boys see as her virtue makes her character more admirable and, hence, more virtuous in male eyes. 
  • Once she chooses a man to wed, she shouldn’t blame him too much for what goes wrong with their relationship. She is the relationship expert most able to maintain and sustain their marriage. Passing the blame justifies her to quit trying, which destroys an expert’s effectiveness.
  • A man may claim commitment or assert devotion as he asks for a woman’s financial help, loan, or even sharing the dinner check. He may claim unconditional devotion with words. But his actions signify a weak sense of personal responsibility and make him less convincing as the alpha male he tries or she wishes him to be. (Even beta males seldom act so wimpish.)


Filed under Dear daughter

4 responses to “1319. RANDOM THOUGHTS—Group 44

  1. anonymous

    “A man may claim commitment or assert devotion as he asks for a woman’s financial help, loan, or even sharing the dinner check. He may claim unconditional devotion with words. But his actions signify a weak sense of personal responsibility and make him less convincing as the alpha male he tries or she wishes him to be. (Even beta males seldom act so wimpish.)”

    I like this one….I work for my own money but I don’t pay for dinner when a guy takes me on a date. If he wants me to or hints at it, I will, but that will be the last time we go on a date. It’s not because I don’t want to spend my money, it’s because a man not wanting to pay shows me he’s not really in it for the long run. No man wants to say, “oh yeah my wife/girlfriend provides for me”. Maybe boys, but not men.

    • Lora

      I like it too, Anon. Reminds me of when I interned in my profession about 5 years ago. I went out to lunch daily with women in my now-field and heard lots about personal lives. I was shocked by how many of them expected to pay on dates and basically chased gigolos? It was like a sugar mama club, not something I want(ed) any part of!

    • danie

      ” If he wants me to or hints at it, I will, but that will be the last time we go on a date.”
      Oooo I like this and will be applying it in the future!

      Your Highnes Danie,
      Welcome aboard. It’s a great day when another pretty woman join us on this cruise to WhatWomenNeverHear.

  2. Angela

    Agree completely with the ladies above, its not about the money. When he pays, its says so much about his character, how manly he is, how much he wishes to imipress you, and whether he is in it for the long haul or not. Greetings from Australia!!

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