1741. Return to Decency

Her Highness Anne at article 1740 sparked this article. “Can women promote a culture of [decency and cultural exceptionalism] in the midst of today’s filth? …[W]hat can they do beyond the family?” Any resolution requires problem ID.

Our fast-disappearing Judeo-Christian culture still enables women to lead and men to follow. No other culture or religion does that. Female-dominated cultural values proved until the 1960s that filth and indecent conditions aren’t present when women don’t permit it. The present filth, family separations, violence, disrespect, irresponsible men, and numerous other female-unfriendly conditions arose out of Feminism, which purposely polarized the sexes.

Feminists and followers spread the originators’ lesbo-hatred of men. They demeaned and treated men as irresponsible, lazy, burdensome, inadequate, not admirable, not respected, and unnecessary for fulfilling female hopes and dreams. The self-fulfilling prophecy kicked in. With a new generation of boys coming online every six years, after eight generations males have become just what women claimed and TV, movies, and commercials continue to ridicule (as pointed out by Her Highness Boomer Babe).

Feminism, leftist politics, and cheap and easy sex came to dominate society. The male-dominated conditions will continue to worsen until girls and women demand through actions that men get rid of filth, restore decency, remain responsible for offspring, prevent violence, spread more respect in society, and on and on and on. (Men aren’t like women. They don’t much value what they hear. So, female words don’t work, but female actions impress men.)

It also worsens because women continue to do all the wrong things, and especially they try to talk and discuss relationship problems away. In short, the male gender continues to be demeaned as inadequate. Men see it as impossible or not worth it to be admired and respected by women. Consequently, they fulfill their natural need for self-admiration in ways that women disapprove as demeaning to females. (Ever heard of wham bam, booty call, porn, abortion?) Anyway, that’s the problem.

The solution lies in the hands of women. Men follow when women lead with female-friendly values, such as feminine mystique, female modesty, lifelong marriage, sex only inside marriage, family chain of command, he rules the roost and she rules the rooster, standards for ladies and gentlemen, and on and on. In this case, men are simple. In return for their handiness and hardiness at providing and protecting, they expect only respect for who they are and admiration for what they do. Do those things to match her man’s self-interest and a woman achieves one pinnacle of female life—if that’s truly what she wants.

Desirable change will come only from women. They have to start noticeably and generate change with femininity, indirectness, persistence, and hard-headedness to first teach all the men in their individual lives how to act around, treat, and entertain women as ladies and well-respected wives instead of women of the night and short-term lays. With actions that seem to demand it, they have to expect that men will rise to meet a woman’s expectations.

Of course it’s tough and will take several generations. Even though it has to be finally accomplished through motherhood, prospective mothers must be inspired from individual women going to work on every man to whom they are exposed. It’s taken us five decades to get where we are; that’s eight generations of new kids. So, you can expect it to take the same to restore some measure of what women long for. Modern men are not immutable, but as always with men, change comes slowly.

Who starts it and when? Government has the interest perpetuate a war between the sexes. Pastors can’t overcome the fear of losing tithes, offerings, and youngsters to replace oldsters that pass on. So, from where else but single and married women does the necessary fearlessness come? Only women have the courage to convince men that decent female values are superior to the trashiness of male values.

What can you do beyond the family? Convert yourself to a full-blown lady and associate outside the home. You can work on your extended family and pastor; school board and politicians; and friends and business associates. It’s slow and not always rewarding, but ‘pretty time’ (per article 1440) will make you feel better about yourself and provide many supplemental rewards.

Men heed it when females demonstrate how ladies can become more attractive, pleasant, respectful, less demanding, and of better support for their man. Men have only to see differences in female behavior, heed in friendly fashion, and work with women to improve their lives together or in association. In short, women need to stand up as ladies for sex differences and relationship equality and denigrate the abrasiveness that flows from Feminism and its failed attempt to suppress male dominance.

We all want to change the world but not ourselves. Women leading with high standards and expectations are best suited to overcome the natural resistance of both males and females.

You may conclude that I alibi for men. Not so. Neither you nor I can tell men what to do—and succeed. Only women have the God-given natural power and relationship expertise to twist the male tail into knots of compliance with female expectations.


Filed under Culture & Politics

10 responses to “1741. Return to Decency

  1. boomer babe

    Thank you for writing this..it has actually given me hope. Many of the women complain even conservative christians that they dont want to go back to the 50s, but we should go back to a ‘modified’ 50s..

  2. Bookkeeper Donna

    Thank you for your insight. I am trying to teach my 17-yr old daughter that women are stronger and more admirable when they respect the men in their lives; and those men respond to that respect by becoming even better, working even harder for the women they admire. At her high school sex is treated like some animal function, like the need to eat or urinate. Few girls risk raising the bar and many won’t even require a guy to take them to dinner before sex. Heaven help this generation and the children who are born of these cold, loveless unions.

    Your Highness Bookkeeper Donna,
    Welcome aboard. It’s a great day when another pretty woman joins us on this cruise to WhatWomenNeverHear.

  3. boomer babe

    Sir Guy is right about women within the culture. In the bible. Proverbs 9:1~6 describes WISDOM as being FEMALE. Our elders, (people over 90) probably knew this~men are very simple. What you see is what you get

  4. tl;dr

    I love Patriarchy!

    Your Highness The Arbourist,

    Welcome aboard. It’s a great day when another pretty woman joins us on this cruise to WhatWomenNeverHear.

    And smart you are. Matriarchal endeavors bring us lesbo-thinking and gave us Feminism. Patriarchy isn’t perfect, but it fits the compatible, cooperative, and even competitive natures of men and women


  5. kaikou

    Sir Guy, would you say the way to making friends is the same path as finding Mr. Right. It seems to me that majority of women. Are also hard to find compatibility with.

    Your Highness Kaikou,
    Technically, your first sentence seems on track but not the way I think you mean. Your second sentence misleads me again. I suggest you read up on friendship and coupled relationships. Start with post 1008 and then 1007, 1482, 1428, 1308, 804, and 803. Disregard the “Friendly Reminders” series as not applicable to your question

  6. Joanna

    Sir Guy,

    I love this post because it summarises best all that is wrong with our current world.
    As I prepare for my upcoming wedding, I reflect on many of your posts and I can see that you are right in what you say.

    I already felt the way you do on a lot of things before I found your blog.
    But…I did not know how to be a successful wife.
    I think now I do.
    So I am optimistic about my imminent marriage.

    Thank you for that.
    And God bless you and Her Highness, the Lady Grace for all your advice and support for us ladies.
    You are doing God’s work, for sure.

  7. Anne

    Thank you, Sir Guy. It is more than a little encouraging to feel there is a course of action to take which affects not just my own family, but larger society. I am often discouraged by what I see when I’m out and about, and am aware I can’t change anyone / anything beyond myself. From what you write, it sounds as though that is enough, however.

    Your Highness Anne,
    We never know the extent about our own influence, but the most realistic, effective, and toughest-to-believe form of influence is leadership by example.

  8. We as women have SO MUCH POWER to influence our men, our children and society for good. God has changed my heart – the past four years He has taught me to respect my husband and to cooperate with his leadership – and we have the marriage of our dreams, now! A woman’s respect is SO effective to influence men towards being their very best selves. Great post!

    Your Highness Peacefulwife,
    Welcome aboard. It’s a great day when another pretty woman joins us on this cruise to WhatWomenNeverHear.

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