1909. Compatibility Axioms #91-100

91. Some women want their own man so badly they sign up with almost any male offer. Mushy thinking, aka following their feelings, causes short relationships.[19]

92. She leads herself toward misery when she expects to build and maintain her nest through him but not his castle for him. [19]

93. She thinks wrongly that equality with house work and child care is not only attainable but sustainable to her man’s liking and acceptance. [19]

94. It’s disquieting and unfair according to modern women. Nature endows and thrusts the sexes differently into their work and work habits. Men have multiple missions and work hard to accomplish goals; daily they work, rest, recover, and prepare for tomorrow’s battles. Women have one mission, to live well for them and theirs. They work endlessly to make the day better and their future brighter. Prosperity enables women to back off the ‘endlessly’ part but modern women still begrudge the masculine nature’s differences.

95. Dominance among couples comes in several colors. The head, the heart, dominant leader, and the most cherished. Marriage works best when that sequence matches this: him, her, him, and her. [32]

96. When a home’s spirit is dominated by soft-headedness or hard-heartedness or usually both in the main female, everyone looks for an escape hatch.

97. Girls dream of a happy life with the right man. Men know they are the right man for any woman they choose. Each man expects one woman to energize and shower him with wedded bliss and no relationship maintenance. Men expect it because they lack the ability to provide both to the satisfaction of a woman. Of course it’s not fair, but it is Nature in action. [32]

98. The real glue of a lasting marriage is not love so much as the absence of demeaning irritants, frequent hassles, widening ingratitude for him, loss of her likeability as mate, loss of her gratitude and dependence on him, and lessening of his displays of affection for her. [32]

99. Women fear abandonment by their man. By keeping the proverbial dime between their knees before marriage, women have less to fear later. [45]

100. Women seek recognition of their importance and expect affection to display it. A man interested in a woman, while he looks for weaknesses to get her in bed the first time, learns more and more of her importance to him and how to express it her way. Thus, lengthy sex-free courtships work best for women. [45]

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