409. Do women know jack about Jack? —Part 21

Jack thinks about conquest. A lot of what women know is wrong.

♂ Physical attractiveness captures Jack’s attention. Plenty of sex holds him awhile, but it’s not the keeper if she’s not a keeper.

♂ To facilitate conquest Jack works to uncover weaknesses to use against her resistance. Delay earns respect for her, as he ‘stumbles into’ her other attractive virtues, strengths, and qualities.

  Women want to change Jack, at least after marriage. He resists change, except to learn whatever is needed to conquer her. He’s pretty unchangeable after that.

  Jack changes after conquest. If the groundwork for a relationship is not laid beforehand, surprises await her.

♂ The lure of a conquest stimulates Jack’s overstatement and even braggadocio about his benefits to the woman. It’s his nature, and it should trigger her hard-headedness for proof, if she hopes to win and keep him.

♂ Jack competes with each woman prior to conquest, but he expects only cooperation after that.  

♂ Jack is fascinated, charmed, restrained, and yields his dominance in the face of feminine mystery, female modesty, cultured manners, moral standards, hard-headed meekness, soft-hearted strength, belief in monogamy, and persistently guarded chastity.

♂ Driven by his nature, Jack seeks to conquer each attractive and seemingly available woman—unless he is living up to something higher than himself, such as God, moral values, religious restraints, or an exceptional woman from whom he expects more.


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2 responses to “409. Do women know jack about Jack? —Part 21

  1. Miss Terri

    “Jack is fascinated, charmed, restrained, and yields his dominance in the face of feminine mystery, female modesty, cultured manners, moral standards, hard headed meekness, soft hearted strength, belief in monogamy, and persistantly guarded chastity.”
    This is so, so true!!! I’ll never forget one persistant “beau” in college. In good weather he’d invite me for a bike ride and ice cream; in bad weather it was the University ice skating rink and hot chocolate. He always wanted a kiss after every date. I’d laugh and say, “for a bike ride and ice cream??? No! For a home and family? Yes!” He’d huff off and I’d laugh. How long did he keep that up? On and off for three years! About twelve years ago I heard he ran into a friend of mine and asked about me. His comment was, “she was fun, fascinating, interesting and never gave an inch.” Those are happy memories and I am thankful for them. Also, I am teaching my daughters to have more than a body to offer; one needs a developed mind, a sense of humor, a heart that loves everyone, but most of all, rock solid standards based on God’s Word.

  2. Jessica

    That is beautiful Miss Teri. As a 22 year old college senior I have a similar story!

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