1151. Keepers for Keepers—Assortment 34

  • He offers his strengths for her to appreciate. If she shows no weaknesses, his strengths fade in importance, and so does she.
  • His respect for his woman softens a man’s heart, and her gratitude for him softens his hard-headedness.
  • Women are in charge of courtship only as long as it remains platonic.
  • A man’s love is based on respect for one woman he sees as extraordinary, and it arises out of what he doesn’t truly understand. (Whatever her qualities, he likes the mixture. Qualities such as feminine mystique, female modesty, moral standards, monogamous intentions, and female imperatives about successful relationships. Determined trueness to femininity ripens her persona so that some man sees potential for permanent mating.)
  • Few things expose a man’s character more readily than being repeatedly denied sex by a woman on whom he has set his sights for conquest.
  • Wives cheat on husbands and expect them to respond as women do. It doesn’t work that way. When he cheats, she wants to know. When she cheats, he wants to go. 
  • The more sex partners a woman takes up with, the less she learns positive and affirming things about herself and how to keep one man as her own.
  • Promiscuous women eventually learn that uninvolved sex leaves a woman empty.


Filed under Dear daughter

8 responses to “1151. Keepers for Keepers—Assortment 34

  1. boomer babe

    You’re sooo right about that one: the only thing that ‘reels men in’ is authentic feminity—everything else, is just ‘cheap’and real men don’t respect cheap in the long run–i just see too many young pretty girls who are just that, and wondering why they cant find someone who wants to marry them–i say: PLEASE DON’T LIVE WITH THEM FIRST! they wont respect you if and when you decide t o marry him later

  2. boomer babe

    What i mean by ‘respect’ is how a woman wants to be loved—men need respect, women need love: anything else is just pretend—Love her, Respect him

  3. Adora

    ■”Few things expose a man’s character more readily than being repeatedly denied sex by a woman on whom he has set his sights for conquest”
    You’re only refering to the unmarried man here, correct? A wife repeatedly denying her husband physical fulfillment is an ugly and regretably common thing to which the man is justifyably angry. After marriage it’s his “right”, right? Men see it as their due, women see sex as a favor granted.

    Your Uniqueness Adora,
    No, it could apply to a married man out to conquer someone not his wife.

  4. Simplicity Evermore

    He offers his strengths for her to appreciate. If she shows no weaknesses, his strengths fade in importance, and so does she.

    Could you explain this a bit better? How does she show no weakness? Is it in not allowing him to make himself needed?

    Your Insightfulness Simplicity Evermore,
    Your last question is the answer. Yes, he sees her so independent that he has nothing to offer. If she doesn’t need him, whatever he has to offer loses its value.

    • Candice

      Your blog is really interesting and refreshing and I have been lurking quietly for quite sometime this however was too intriguing to resist so I had to ask.
      So how does she show she needs him w/out being needy, clingy and weak?


      Your Highness Candice,
      Welcome aboard. Always glad to have a pretty women join the cruise.
      I’m delayed in responding. I’ll do so by tomorrow unless some ladies chime in with enough answers.

      Zephanie describes a great attitude and marvelous process for displaying need of her husband. It’s thorough and should be enough to stimulate your imagination toward success. Also, Simplicity Evermore provides a good technique for showing female expectations. I can’t improve on their efforts. Let me know if you don’t have enough to work with.

  5. zephanie

    I show my husband he is needed by making sure there are “tasks” around the house that he believes are much more suited to him than me. These could be something like cleaning the garage or going through the home office. Of course, these are genuine needs, which is why it works! But I never tell him how or when they are to be done. He feels much more accomplished when he “did it on his own” or surprises me with some new organizational “trick” that he is convinced will help me. Also, when he helps me with the kids so I can have time alone, (where he is most truly needed!) I make sure he gets “rewards,” the biggest one which is a wife who maintains a smiling outlook even when he is in a bad mood. He can’t stay cranky for long that way, and then the tables are turned and he sees why he needs ME.

  6. Simplicity Evermore

    I’m not sure, but I am learning that part of it is letting them come to that conclusion by themself. Like: if you stand at a door and wait expectantly, the guy comming out of it will hold it for you.

    But another part (which I really don’t understand) is where you wish about it a lot, but when they bring it up you say you don’t want it. So if you say ‘I wish guys would open the door for me’ and kinda sigh and then some guy says “I’ll get the door for you.” and your like Oh–no, no I couldn’t bother you with that.” It makes them more eager to help. Or something like that. Could use some clarification on this part.>_<

    But part one definately works. ^_^

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