2870. Typical Male Behavior — 04

  1. Pre-conquest a gal tells a guy I love you or even acts like she’s hot for him. It has two effects foreign to woman-think. She will be easier to conquer, and it’s an unearned gift, which men don’t appreciate. In effect, before he earns her according to her standards and expectations, admitting her love of him works against her interest. Actually, even his knowing he has a chance with her works to his advantage.
  2. Men tend to figure out women by her actions rather believing her words. Women pay more attention to words and tend to rely on them. She likes to spread her love directly, up close and personal. Men don’t appreciate her love that way; they prefer to see it more indirectly. He isn’t excited about her words but mostly her actions that he figures satisfies him.
  3. The most primal need of men is for a place to flop, eat, throw their things, do some R&R, and prepare to fight their dragons tomorrow. The woman who satisfies that need, her love is genuine and believable.
  4. A woman’s love spread indirectly registers with all men. For example, in public—but not during guy time—a woman in love stays close as if attached to her man, holds his arm or hand, and listens closely to what he’s saying. Other men see her doing that. They envy him and his respect grows among his competitors. Peers wish they had a woman like her; one who showed such respect for them. Given time and opportunity, however, they may also try to take her away from him.
  5. What love is to women, respect is to men. However, not exactly. Women give their love freely and openly. Men give respect to those who earn it and earned more indirectly than directly.
  6. A man enters marriage with several convictions. He doesn’t intend to fail. He will continue to keep himself satisfied with who he is, what he does, and with his marriage as a whole. IOW, he enters the marital home expecting to remain pretty close to the same guy as before. He will adjust as necessary to enable wife to govern the home and relationships within it. IOW, he expects her to run everything except those things for which he’s responsible; e.g., his car, job, and whatever else he chooses, perhaps yardwork etc.
  7. The most obvious form of a man’s love is his devotion to her, to repeatedly pleasing her for the purpose of pleasing them both. If she finds herself in that condition, she should upgrade his worth to her.


Filed under courtship, Dear daughter, marriage, sex differences

104 responses to “2870. Typical Male Behavior — 04

  1. CartieB

    Hi Guy,

    3. The most primal need of men is for a place to flop, eat, throw their things, do some R&R, and prepare to fight their dragons tomorrow. The woman who satisfies that need, her love is genuine and believable.

    ** How would a woman going about fulfilling those needs?

    7. The most obvious form of a man’s love is his devotion to her, to repeatedly pleasing her for the purpose of pleasing them both.

    ** What are some examples of a man’s love, aka devotion?

    If a man goes into a marriage expecting his woman not to change, should a woman going into her marriage with the continued behavior of a girlfriend with the bonus title of wife and -eventual- mother?


    • Anonymous

      Hello, CartieB. While we watch for Sir Guy, here are some hopefully helpful thoughts on your first question:

      A woman might try these things to make her consideration of him visible in their home:
      – What are his favorite things? Slippers, reading material, etc? Could she place them near his recliner or other relaxation place so they are easy for him to grab when wanted?
      – Could she always keep his favorite foods/drink well stocked?
      – Could she listen to his preferences for home appearance and meet those expectations?
      – Does she spend too much money on decorations? Do they look too weird, or do her décor choices reflect well on him without going over budget?
      – What other unique preferences does he have? Can she make a special effort to incorporate them?

      Hope this helps a little.

  2. Anonymous Wife

    Worried about Sir Guy-

    Anyone hear anything about how he is doing?

  3. CartieB

    @Anonymous Wife: last I heard, he was going to the ER. I’m praying for his speedy recovery in the mean time!

    @Guy: while you’re in recovery, I hope you find this video entertaining. When I first told you about Chronicles of Judah, you said you couldn’t find anything as it relates to your blog. I sincerely hope this video will give you plenty of material when you get back! Again, praying for your swift recovery 🙂

    • jubilee

      this guy, thinks its ok to have more than one wife!!
      mark 19:8,9===its weird.. I think hes simply a hotep…

  4. Amazing Gracee

    Sir Guy

    Could you expand on #2 above please? What actions he observes and how he interprets them as satisfiying him?

  5. ruppek

    Hope sir guy is ok. It’s been tough without my daily dose of WWNH thoughts this last week. Hope you’re in good spirits Guy and that you know or can guess how much you helped me and others.

  6. ruppek

    Also, Sir guy,

    A friend went out of his way to drive me home last night. It was St. Patrick’s Day.

    I thanked him without thanking him, by saying “I’m not irish, just lucky to have a friend like you.”

    He texted back that he was the lucky one.

    I thought this would make you grin.

  7. Jai300

    I was wondering what happened to Sir Guy. I hope he is recovering well.

  8. Surferkayjun

    Praying for you, Sir Guy!

  9. Lilac

    Dear Sir Guy,

    We miss you. Wish you speedy recovery!

  10. Mary Wumths

    Sending prayers to Sir Guy, hope all is well

  11. Lady Penny

    I hope our Guy is doing well. He is in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Miss Gina

    Thinking of and praying for Sir Guy.

  13. msarianne

    Thinking of you Sir Guy. Praying all is well.

  14. Anonymous Wife

    I am starting to worry…has he ever been gone feom the blog this long? What happened to Guy Jr.?

  15. Dear Sir Guy,

    we all miss you. Please come back soon.

  16. MLaRowe

    Sir Guy or Guy Jr. Can we get an update at your convenience? If not, still know that we are thinking and praying for you and the family.

  17. Cinnamon

    Yes! Checking back every day and hoping for good news of Sir Guy’s recovery. The world needs his wisdom and warrior spirit around for at least a few more years, now more than ever. Lots of love to Guy Jr. and all the family.

  18. prettybeans

    Where is our Dear Sir Guy?
    We miss you!!!

  19. prettybeans

    Where is our dear Sir Guy?
    We miss you Sir!!

  20. Femme

    I’ve also been wondering where Sir Guy is…
    Hopefully no news is good news…

  21. Blackbird

    Dear Mr. Guy,
    I hope you are okay. Get well soon.

    Best regards,

  22. Anonymous Wife

    My fear was true.

    Sir Guy is no longer with us. I read an article he passed away on April 7. I cant poat the link because my comment wont get automatically approved but i would like to keep his spirit alive by making a forum to discuss the content.

  23. Anonymous Wife

    The article was on gazette mail. It is sad sad news.

  24. Anonymous Wife

    Correction: he passed away on March 25. The obituary says this aite was his true calling. His words must live on.

    • Lyndeeloo

      Thank you, Anonymous Wife for letting us know. I’ve been checking the blog everyday, hoping for news of Sir Guy. I am deeply saddened to learn that he has passed away.

      His forthright yet kind words and advice helped me through some of my most difficult times. He provided the wisdom, support, and guidance I so desperately needed.

      If his family or friends read this, I would like them to know that Sir Guy is deeply respected and his work on the blog made–and will continue to make–an impact in many lives.

  25. Aidos

    Breaks my heart. 😦

  26. Kristi

    My condolences to his loved ones.
    His wisdom and dedication will be part of his legacy😢🥀

  27. Magnolia

    My fears are now confirmed. This makes me want to cry. On the other hand I’m happy he’s with the Lord now. ❤

  28. Magnolia

    Condolences to his family.

  29. Jubilee

    This is sad😢
    I hope they leave the blog up from 1-2870

  30. CartieB

    My condolences to his family. This is very sad news.
    Should we start saving the content of his blog elsewhere, in case anything happens?

  31. CartieB

    And @Anonymous, thanks so much for replying! Great advice

  32. Miss Gina

    The obituary is in the WV Gazette Mail. A search with “obituary wv gazette mail bill dean” should get anyone there who wants to try.

  33. Meow Meow

    Fare thee well Sir Guy. Thank you for all your work on behalf of women everywhere. It was the ultimate act of chivalry. Know that your words will live on in our hearts and minds and bring strength to the suffering and the meek. Godspeed.

  34. aroundtheriverbend

    This is so sad.

    Sir Guy, you were a wonderful man and will be sorely missed x

  35. Anonymous Wife

    I am so sad. I only found this blog about 6 months ago but it has been life changing for me. I am so grateful for his wisdom. He really changed my perspective and my life.

  36. Such sad news to hear of his passing. I think he will now be in heaven with his beloved wife Grace. What a blessing to have discovered his blog and to have him answer some of my comments. He shared much wisdom. Maybe his son will carry on this site.

  37. Bill C. Dean went to meet the Lord on March 25th. He was the loving husband of Grace Dean who preceded him in passing after 58 years of marriage. He was a kind father to three boys, Kirk, Jay, and Allen. And he was a strong Brother to his sister, Joann. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1951 and went through the ranks from enlisted to officer corps through his hard work and dedication to retire after 23 years as a Naval Commander. He earned his Master’s degree in International Studies from George Washington University. He was a Dean of Student Services at the WV College of Graduate Studies. He worked for Arch Moore in Federal-State relations. He worked in Washington DC on Capitol Hill as Chief of Staff for Congressman Mick Staton. He then went to work for Ross Perot at EDS before retiring from an illustrious professional career. He found his true passion late in life when he began observing and writing about male/female relationships in life called “What Women Never Hear” on his weblog at wwnh.wordpress.com. His strongest desire was to help relationships. He was a kind and giving soul and will be hugely missed.

    Harding Funerals & Cremations 514 50th St. SE Kanawha City is serving Bill’s family.

    • gonemaverick

      Such sad news. I’m forever indebted and grateful to this wonderful man.

      Anyone have any idea if websites stay up forever or how to save all these articles?

      • Cinnamon

        Gonemaverick – I believe websites like this will stay online unless someone removes them. With all that is going on in the tech world, however, I would recommend copying the entire site using HTTrack or Down Them All software. You can google these terms.

        I copied this entire site last week to my hard drive “just in case.” It took several hours – your internet connection may be quicker than mine.

        • Anonymous

          Thank you, Cinnamon! Thank God tools like that were made, and it brings me a smile that Sir Guy’s work took hours for even a tech site to handle. He did a lot for all of us.

    • prettybeans

      Thank you so much for letting us know

  38. ))’: I feel very sad to hear the news.

    Any way we can organize ourselves to
    1) save the content of this blog
    2) create the forum to discuss the content?

    I’m sure he would be vety heartened if in the midst of these news, we band together and in loving memory of him, form a community where these “old-time” values are still held to strongly.

  39. Anonymous Wife

    Hi everyone.

    None of us know if this site is going to be continued and there has been no word from anyone from Mr. Dean’s family whether they will be taking it over.

    In the meantime I purchased a domain and hosting at this address: whatwomeneverhear.com (spelled with 1 “n”) and I intend on developing it. Today I only had time for the initial setup.

    I would like to turn it into a forum and to add all of his articles (for safekeeping!!) with the comments and of course with the links back to the original ones. Sadly, we can no longer turn to Sir Guy for support but we still have each other.

    Anyone who wants to help can email me at lovewwnh at gmail (i can’t write the email address or it won’t approve my comment but lovewwnh @ gmail . com

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous Wife,

      Thanks for your thoughts and efforts. 🙂 I’ll likely send you an email to see how I may help.

    • Rosie

      Thank you Anonymous Wife for letting us know and carrying on his work. My daughter just said she wanted to copy and paste his words …. so she’d have them always. I’m so sad to hear of Sir Guy’s passing. I thought of him so much today, so I thought I’d check here to see if anyone heard of anything. His words of wisdom have been such a blessing to me and my girls. I found his blog three years ago! It’s been a real treasure!

    • Cinnamon

      This is a great idea. WWNH was a classroom. Our schoolmaster Sir Guy cared about each and every student who came into it (even the stroppy ones like Mary Alice), and I think he would love the idea that his students/alumni stayed in touch and helped each other apply the principles that he taught us. Look at all that he has left here to guide us and for us to contemplate in the coming years. I am a WWNH evangelist and want to continue to share these teachings with the world. There is rich material for a lifetime, not only in the articles but also in his answers to the comments.

      I will send you an email in the coming weeks with the hope that I can also become involved with the new site. It was a blessed day when I found my way mysteriously to this blog – a day that changed my life.

    • Cinnamon

      Anonymous Wife – I have created a placeholder discussion forum at the following address: wwnh at freeforums dot net called the WWNH Alumni Forum. This would allow anyone to register and communicate directly with each other without using email, a function that wordpress doesn’t have. Until we hear from Guy Jr. we don’t know what the future is for this blog. It might be that we can use both your new blog if someone wants to write articles, and the discussion forum if someone wants to ask a question on a particular subject or communicate offline with a member. I will leave it up for the moment (it can always be deleted if it is not wanted or needed).

      • Anonymous Wife

        Excellent! I signed up.

        I was hoping to copy the content over, or at least link to the different articles. I also want to back up all the content here, since it doesn’t seem like anyone is administering it right no.

        • Cinnamon

          Anonymous Wife – I have copied the entire site onto my hard drive using the freeware HTTrack Website copier. I am hoping over the coming weeks and months many regulars will move over to the new Alumni forum so that these discussions can continue.

          For a long time (years) I have wanted to promote Sir Guy’s work to a wide audience but time-wise I wasn’t in a position to do it until very recently. I knew what needed to be done, but it was a big task and, to my very great regret, I didn’t have the bandwidth.

          WWNH demands a huge audience that for reasons quite mysterious never materialised during Sir Guy’s lifetime; it is a hidden treasure that rightly belongs to the whole world. I hope that the new site will play a small role in bringing WWNH to a bigger audience. But even if the site remains small, I will keep going, because I understand the life-changing power of this magisterial work.

  40. Anonymous

    Guy Jr.,

    Is there a need for volunteer admins to help answer incoming comments? I’d be delighted to donate time to being kind of a librarian tending to visitors to your father’s work.

  41. Most of his main points are in his book so if you can buy his book if you want his main points

  42. msarianne

    Lady Anonymous Wife,
    I have some knowledge of web hosting, and managing also. I am glad to help any way I can.

    I am so sad to hear of Sir Guy’s passing my condolences to you all and his family.

    Lady Anonymous Wife I’ll email you later today. 💔

  43. prettybeans

    Oh Sir
    I was coming to see you this summer.
    Meeting you literally saved my life and is to date one of the best things that’s happened to me.

    I’m in tears because I just saw this
    Happy Birthday today Sir and all my love to Her Highness Grace. You are both in heaven now

    • Cinnamon

      Prettybeans, I remember Sir Guy’s article about your day together a couple of years ago. It was wonderful, and is one of my very favourite of his articles along with “Princess in Uniform.” You are very lucky to have had that time together with him! It is not an exaggeration to say that his teachings and care also SAVED MY LIFE. It doesn’t bear thinking about how completely different my life would be now – how impoverished in fact – without his monumental influence.

      To my very great regret, I never got to meet Sir Guy to express my gratitude for exactly what he had done for me. There was much I wanted to say to him that I never got to say; some things you cannot say accurately in email, but only face to face. A major writing project we were planning together got delayed because of a serious injury I suffered in February 2016 and the aftermath of trauma and rehabilitation that unfolded. When I told Sir Guy about this distress, he gave me detailed advice to help me cope – advice only he could have given. I was in touch with him only sporadically since February 2016, but was planning to travel to WV this coming October. Despite this delay and relative silence, he and Grace remained in my heart every single day. We did exchange several emails in November 2016 celebrating the election of President Trump, and I am very grateful that he lived to see the beginning of what I pray every day will be the restoration of the Republic Sir Guy loved and worked so hard to rebuild on this very miraculous and sacred corner of the internet.

      Hold on to your precious memories, prettybeans. Sir Guy cared about you, me, and everyone who came here asking for his help. You may have noticed that when people would disappear for a time and later return to the WWNH classroom, he would often ask where they had been, remembering details of the problems that had brought them here in the first place. This is such a rare human quality that it is almost nonexistent in our world today. It stands alongside but separate and apart from the genius and intellect behind his words. All these qualities taken together make him the greatest man I have ever known.

      In his love and care for each human soul who sought his help, Sir Guy imitated his master, the Lord Jesus Christ. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark Dean served God every single day of the later years of their lives through the WWNH ministry. They could have lived only for themselves, as so many others of comparable high worldly accomplishment do, but instead they lived a life together of deliberate, total self-giving to the stranger. In this, Bill and Grace Dean were living examples of how we should all live. We will never see the likes of them again, but how very fortunate we were to have known them.

      Guy Jr. if possible would you contact me via email when you get a chance.

      • prettybeans

        Lady Cinnamon,
        You write beautifully.

        It really was a fantastic time and I cherish the memories and the photos. We emailed every day for a long time and FaceTimed every so often

        I miss him

        • Cinnamon

          Prettybeans – thank you for the kind compliment. That’s a fantastic story to hear about you and Sir Guy, and it doesn’t surprise me at all.

          As captured so perfectly in the obituary, WWNH was Sir Guy’s vocation. All his diverse worldly and career accomplishments found their highest expression in this unique teaching ministry. He never stopped because, despite the declining health of old age and moments of frustration and doubt which he shared from time to time, he still had a great deal to say, and many of us turning to him for help.

          We don’t know yet if Guy Jr. will continue this forum or leave it untouched for reference purposes. Anonymous Wife is setting up a new forum with the help of Msarianne’s technical expertise. I believe Sir Guy would want us to continue these discussions, even with him gone. The CONTENT section is so rich, and as a long-term student of WWNH, I believe it contains answers for nearly any question that might arise about male-female relations – if you dig long enough and apply your powers of analogy and analysis. In short, Sir Guy did not leave us without ample guidance for both difficult and mundane situations. The body of work here at WWNH is magisterial; it would be magnificent if it could remain a living body of work and not a just a museum.

  44. prettybeans

    Happy birthday in heaven Sir!

  45. CartieB

    Ladies, I’m thinking of converting the entire website into a pdf. It may or may not include the comments. While having the book WWNH is great, I personally love the site because of the comments and the blogs that are created when Guy felt he needed to talk about a important subject for us. Remember the fellatio blog?! Doing research now but hopefully I can get back to you with a link to download!

    • prettybeans

      Oh but it must include the comments if possible. The vibrant discussions on this blog are amazing!

      • Cinnamon

        CartieB – I too would love to have this in PDF. Once you complete the PDF conversion please register at the new alumni site, WWNH at freeforums dot net, and I will link to it. If you cannot capture the comments, perhaps msarianne with her technical expertise might have a way to accomplish this (mirroring the existing site with all comments?).

      • Cinnamon

        And yes prettybeans, the comments were gold. I learned SO MUCH from the comments. It was an enormous privilege to watch the wheels turn in Sir Guy’s very large brain, along with his wicked sense of humour.

  46. Anonymous

    3 million blog hits and counting. 🙂

  47. Anonymous Wife

    Let’s just try to all do what we can to keep the content…pdf, forums, website etc!

    I agree that we need to keep the comments as well.

  48. msarianne

    I have not been able to find the new sites for some reason.

    • Cinnamon

      Msarianne – the new Alumni Forum is at wwnh dot freeforums dot net. I am not pasting in a link to it because I don’t think Guy Jr. is moderating this site at the moment, and a link would cause this comment to get stuck in moderation and remain invisible. Just type the above address into your browser and replace the word dot with an actual dot.

      • msarianne

        I found it thank you for posting again. I think I’ve been mourning the loss of Sir Guy. I just can’t shake the sadness I feel.
        My thoughts are with his family at their time of grief.

        • Cinnamon

          I feel the same. When Guy Jr., Kirk, and family finally read through these comments here I hope it will help them a little bit to know that so many hearts are with them.

  49. Lioness

    I’m so grateful for everything I’ve learned from this gentleman. God bless his soul and his family’s grieving hearts. Farewell, Sir Guy.

  50. Mia

    My condolences to the family. I believe Sir Guy left well prepared. I felt that on this blog in the final weeks of his life he said everything he wanted us to know. May his soul rest in peace.

  51. Jubilee

    I miss sir guy😣😢

    • Me too. When I come onto the blog my heart sinks. Well done everyone as you convert the wisdom to pdf. I am snowed under with work and also quite illiterate when it comes to all things online. Peeking at the blog was one of the highlights of my busy day.

  52. Magnolia

    I miss him too and have been crying over his passing. He gave so much to us and so selflessly. I find myself wanting to come here to ask him questions and then remember that he is no longer with us. I was a faithful reader for the last 5 years– since I found this blog. I’m just sad. 😦

    • MLaRowe

      Me too. I’m sad. This is always the problem with meeting a friend who is older, you just run out of time and it seems way too soon that they aren’t around anymore.

  53. CartieB

    Hi everyone!

    I found a website that converts a webpage into a PDF for FREE. It would be great to get everyone involved because many hands make light work!

    The website to convert site to a PDF is below. The link should work despite all the spaces in between each letter but if you have any trouble copying and pasting, please remove the spaces.
    h t t p s : / / w w w . w e b 2 p d f c o n v e r t . c o m /

    I created a folder titled WWNH and anyone with the link can edit or add to the folder:
    h t t p s : / / d r i v e . g o o g l e . c o m / dr i v e / f o l d e r s / 1 M K p D F _ a G y b z R a V 2 l U s d 2 i 7 y l z 3 – k h f P r ? u s p = s h a r i n g

    Here is the plan. If you visit the Content page of WWNH, it has 2755 links. It would be great if those who want to get involve volunteer to take as many links as possible.

    The steps to convert a link or page to a PDF are as followed:
    1. After signing into your Gmail account, navigate to the drive.google link I shared. Please note, your full name will be visible to others on the drive.google link. If you want to maintain your secrecy, consider creating another gmail account.

    2. Visit the Content page of WWNH. Click on one of the links. Copy and paste the url. Open a new tab to web2pdfconvert page. Enter the url into the input field and click the button “Convert to PDF.”

    3. When the pdf has been successfully created, hover on the third icon or the Google Drive icon with your mouse, it will say what account is currently signed into Google. Make sure you’re signed into the right Gmail account.

    4. Click on that icon. A new tab will open. Confirm the newly created pdf will be saved to the shared folder ‘WWNH.’ It should look like this:
    wwnh-wordpress-com-2015-11-20-2353-8th-anniversary-vacation-.pdf will appear in:
    My Drive > WWNH(change)

    5. Click Save button. Wash, lather, and repeat!

    I’m committed to take the first 50 links starting with “4th Anniversary Celebration” and ending with “Advertising Online for Dates—Tips about HardToGet.” I’ve already started and I would love for more help on this 🙂
    Please and thank you!

  54. CartieB

    PS: The last step is to create one gigantic PDF of all the many PDFs! I am hoping we can all accomplish this in less than a week. I have already finished converting my 50 links/pages into PDFs!

  55. CartieB

    I had a lot of time of my hand so I stopped at post 2831. The last one I did was 2841.

  56. CartieB

    https: // drive.google.com / drive / folders / 1MKpDF_aGybzRaV2lUsd2i7ylz3-khfPr?usp=sharing

    I tried to open the first link incognito mode in a browser and it didn’t work. Let me know if this link is any better!

  57. CartieB

    You can email me @femme at cartierbreakfast@gmail.com

  58. CartieB

    Everyone can email me at cartierbreakfast @ gmail.com
    Spaces were added so I could post my email

    • Cinnamon

      CartieB – it would be great to have the information regarding the PDF at the WWNH Alumni forum. There is a board on it called “Qui Plantavit Curabit” dedicated to preserving and promoting Sir Guy’s work. If you would be kind enough to join and create a thread with the details of the PDF on this board to make this resource accessible to others it would be wonderful.

      The Alumni Forum can be reached at wwnh dot freeforums dot net.

      • Hi. I can’t register with my email. It says it does recognise it. I told you I wasn’t so great with technology! Any ideas how to login?

        • Cinnamon

          It sounds like maybe you are trying to Login instead of Register?

          If that doesn’t work I would suggest using a different email address (opening a second email account if necessary – these are free) and see if that works. Good luck.

  59. Anonymous Wife

    Hey everyone! You can all join us for discussions at this forum generously set up by Cinnamon! http://wwnh.freeforums.net/

    Miss Gina, Cocoa…we are waiting for you!

  60. Anonymous Wife

    Hey everyone! You can all join us for discussions at this forum generously set up by Cinnamon! wwnh.freeforums.net

    Miss Gina, Cocoa…we are waiting for you!

  61. Cocoa

    Oh no!
    What I feared is real.
    I am so so sorry to hear this terrible news.
    My heart goes out to his family and to all of you ladies.
    So sorry I didn’t check earlier. I felt like I haven’t heard from him for long and came back to find that my fears are true.

    Very very upset. In tears really.
    Sir Guy helped me a lot especially with my last days at home. He gave me hope. He made me stronger and was able to stand up for myself after two decades of agony.

    I was hesitant to email him once as I was so so desperate and thought that with all his busy schedule that he won’t be able to respond but I tried anyway. And he did, he did respond and gave me a wise fatherly advice.

    Sir Guy I want to tell you that I am almost there and there is no way I would be if it wasn’t for God’s help and your wisdom that really comes from heaven.

    I will miss you.

    P.S. To all of you wonderful ladies thank you so much for setting up what you set up. I will check it soon. And Anonymous wife thanks for remembering me.

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