440. What daughters never hear — Section 13

♀ Promises of commitment and excitement of love are not the glue of marriage. These ingredients make the glue:

·        Respect and forgiveness.

·        Dreaming about long range goals, setting and achieving short range goals that lead to dream fulfillment.

♀ Too eager by him means meager for her. The more intensely he focuses on conquest, the more eager to make her a dumpee.

Good intentions are no better than the follow through, and worse if they stand alone.

Men grow more fair and agreeable when gratefulness grows for their woman.

♀ Marriage spirals downward from too much shortsightedness, selfishness, and self-interest that outweigh our-interest.

Nature likes balances and tradeoffs. Letting husband rule the roost today enables wife to rule the rooster much later. He focuses short-term, and she dreams long-term.

Men and kids exposed to blame and criticism look for other opportunities and escape.

Put a plan into effect, and it needs continual adjustment—especially the family budget.

♀ Women sense accurately that two men will not knowingly share a woman sexually except when one cuckolds another.


Filed under Dear daughter, Uncategorized

2 responses to “440. What daughters never hear — Section 13

  1. Just wanted to let you know home much my husband and I have enjoyed your blog. It’s not only helped improve our marriage but find the words to relay to our children to become “keepers”. Thank you and happy blogging.

    Your Highness Kendra,
    Thank you. I love to hear such things from pretty women.

  2. Miss Dawn


    Still need to cross that one off my list.

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