1974. Compatibility Axioms #391-400

 391. Having many sex partners hardens a woman’s emotions, which softens her thinking about the opposite sex. She doesn’t learn enough positive and affirming things about men that are so vital for keeping one as her own. [138]
392. Natural female beauty attracts sex partners, but it fades for each conqueror as romantic love inevitably fades. The cheaper his conquest, the sooner the fading. Beauty earned at higher price lasts longer. [138]
393. Older women used to pass down lessons learned. Modern girls ignore their elders, their immaturity expands, and boys and men exploit female immaturity for sex only. Seeds of marital incompatibility are thus planted.[138]
394. Over time, delaying a man’s conquest pushes him to expose his real character, reveal her true role in his life, and correct whatever of his faults that displease her. Round heels relieve those pressures on him. [138]
395. Female adoption of masculine-style sexual freedom generates cheap sex for men. It arouses, encourages, and lures the male conquering spirit to venture outside the home. Wives suffer the unintended (or sometimes intended?) consequences. [138]
396. The popularity of masculine-style sexual freedom seduces women into playing the man’s game. It devalues the woman’s game of marriage and weakens or destroys husbandly responsibility and fatherly help in the raising of children. [138]
397. Promiscuous behavior hardens a woman’s heart, softens her natural hard-headedness, and makes her easy prey for selfish or manipulative men. With girls, the damage is both worse and imprints immaturity for life. [138]
398. The promiscuous woman experiences too few tough decisions that mold the character required to promote her self-interest to the fullest with one man. [138]
399. The promiscuous woman eventually learns that uninvolved sex leaves her empty. [138]
400. Our Judeo-Christian culture over several centuries has taught this: Two separate and distinct roles provide the greatest insurance for family harmony and success. He’s the head and she’s the heart. [139]


Filed under Dear daughter

6 responses to “1974. Compatibility Axioms #391-400

  1. boomer babe

    I’m wondering: could this hardening of women thru easy sex could be a source of modern depression?

    Your Highness Boomer Babe,

    Great question and I believe in the affirmative.

    First, a woman instinctively knows that she owns her sexual assets and determines all sharing. To own is to provide a strong sense of control.

    Second, depression is the result of loss of control over Self, life, or whatever.

    Third, when easy sex becomes promiscuity, it corresponds with slowly giving up her sense of control, which equates to losing it. Depression follows unless she doesn’t truly care about her body or life. Moreover, guilt follows giving away one’s control. Multiple instances of guilt about the same thing also stir and mix one’s emotions into depression.


    • boomer babe

      I simply say this BECAUSE during the real depression, and WW2, we never heard anything about having a ‘Chemical Depression’, bi polar, etc. It seemed to happen AFTER drug culture created a firestorm in the late 1960s; although i could be wrong… SEX, DRUGS and Rock & roll.. but the 50s didn’t have the chaos OF musicians destroying instruments.
      Yesterday was the day of celebrating Mister Cannibus (420) {Its just too bad it fell on EASTER SUNDAY}, which with some people was the gateway into the stronger drugs, because its a NARCOTIC(not all people though)

  2. Magnolia

    Happy Easter, Sir Guy!

    Your Highness Magnolia,
    And to you, my dear.

  3. boomer babe


    Your Highness Boomer Babe,
    And to you, my dear.

  4. Kris

    Happy Easter Guy.
    Thank you so much for the advice. I’m going to start college soon and this blog has truly helped me. I want to start dating and this helps since i had a sheltered upbringing.
    From a grateful young woman

    Your Highness Kris,

    Welcome aboard. It’s a great day when another pretty woman joins us on this cruise to WhatWomenNeverHear.

    Congratulations on graduation. Best wishes for college.

    If you haven’t seen them yet, the CONTENTS page at blog top lists these two series, DATING… and College girls…. They may help you get off on the right foot. You may be a little old for Boot Camp for Girls but it too may help.


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