Tag Archives: many sex partners

1974. Compatibility Axioms #391-400

 391. Having many sex partners hardens a woman’s emotions, which softens her thinking about the opposite sex. She doesn’t learn enough positive and affirming things about men that are so vital for keeping one as her own. [138]
392. Natural female beauty attracts sex partners, but it fades for each conqueror as romantic love inevitably fades. The cheaper his conquest, the sooner the fading. Beauty earned at higher price lasts longer. [138]
393. Older women used to pass down lessons learned. Modern girls ignore their elders, their immaturity expands, and boys and men exploit female immaturity for sex only. Seeds of marital incompatibility are thus planted.[138]
394. Over time, delaying a man’s conquest pushes him to expose his real character, reveal her true role in his life, and correct whatever of his faults that displease her. Round heels relieve those pressures on him. [138]
395. Female adoption of masculine-style sexual freedom generates cheap sex for men. It arouses, encourages, and lures the male conquering spirit to venture outside the home. Wives suffer the unintended (or sometimes intended?) consequences. [138]
396. The popularity of masculine-style sexual freedom seduces women into playing the man’s game. It devalues the woman’s game of marriage and weakens or destroys husbandly responsibility and fatherly help in the raising of children. [138]
397. Promiscuous behavior hardens a woman’s heart, softens her natural hard-headedness, and makes her easy prey for selfish or manipulative men. With girls, the damage is both worse and imprints immaturity for life. [138]
398. The promiscuous woman experiences too few tough decisions that mold the character required to promote her self-interest to the fullest with one man. [138]
399. The promiscuous woman eventually learns that uninvolved sex leaves her empty. [138]
400. Our Judeo-Christian culture over several centuries has taught this: Two separate and distinct roles provide the greatest insurance for family harmony and success. He’s the head and she’s the heart. [139]


Filed under Dear daughter

1005. Keepers for Keepers—Assortment 26

  • Capturing a man for the long haul requires salesmanship. Expert salesmen seal the deal by ‘taking it away’, which stimulates ‘gotta have it’.
  • Casual sex devalues women as keepers despite what Hollywood, TV, feminists, and romance novels portray and desperate women duplicate.
  • Hunks learn from girls early in life that females come cheaply. Unless taught better before puberty, hunks lack interest in long term relationships.
  • Women that worship good looks in men never learn to hold a man.
  • Men respect unmarried chastity and let their natural dominant role fade until conquest. They change thereafter.
  • Chastity pays. Her ultimate resistance against his ultimate persistence earns ultimate respect.
  • Cheap women age faster than women too proud to cheapen themselves.
  • She shouldn’t marry, if prospective husband has imperfections that she can’t live with. She torpedoes their marriage by trying to improve, change, and especially parent him.
  • Experience with many sex partners makes a woman experienced for sex but little else of lifetime value to a man.
  • Virtue is whatever good that women represent that men can’t do or don’t have. Virtue is to women what integrity is to men.

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Filed under Dear daughter

320. Female Fortitude — 151 through 160

These ‘fortitudinals’ provide theme or summary of previous posts. The numbers match the source.

151.       Women dominate sex-free courtships.

152.       Experience with many sex partners hardens a woman’s heart.

153.       Easy marks for conquest earn high marks for dumping to the ex lane.

154.       His nature helps virtual virginity work for her.

155.       Duplicating the way men act ages women prematurely and leaves them with little grace and charm for their later years.

156.       He wonders if she is to be anything more than a sex target?

157.       Feminism produces unintended consequences because men don’t respond like feminists say they should.

158.       Providing sex can gain his commitment, but that’s far from his devotion.

159.       Modern pop music hardens the female heart.

160.       Modern women fish with an empty hook in the water, because men steal the bait—sex.

[Previous fortitudinals appear in posts 316, 310, 305, 300, 295, 290, 285, 280, 275, 270, 265, 260, 255, 250, 245, 240, 234, 228, 213, 203, 199, 186, 182, and 176. Search by the number and then scroll down.]


Filed under Fickle female, Uncategorized