Tag Archives: promiscuous woman

1974. Compatibility Axioms #391-400

 391. Having many sex partners hardens a woman’s emotions, which softens her thinking about the opposite sex. She doesn’t learn enough positive and affirming things about men that are so vital for keeping one as her own. [138]
392. Natural female beauty attracts sex partners, but it fades for each conqueror as romantic love inevitably fades. The cheaper his conquest, the sooner the fading. Beauty earned at higher price lasts longer. [138]
393. Older women used to pass down lessons learned. Modern girls ignore their elders, their immaturity expands, and boys and men exploit female immaturity for sex only. Seeds of marital incompatibility are thus planted.[138]
394. Over time, delaying a man’s conquest pushes him to expose his real character, reveal her true role in his life, and correct whatever of his faults that displease her. Round heels relieve those pressures on him. [138]
395. Female adoption of masculine-style sexual freedom generates cheap sex for men. It arouses, encourages, and lures the male conquering spirit to venture outside the home. Wives suffer the unintended (or sometimes intended?) consequences. [138]
396. The popularity of masculine-style sexual freedom seduces women into playing the man’s game. It devalues the woman’s game of marriage and weakens or destroys husbandly responsibility and fatherly help in the raising of children. [138]
397. Promiscuous behavior hardens a woman’s heart, softens her natural hard-headedness, and makes her easy prey for selfish or manipulative men. With girls, the damage is both worse and imprints immaturity for life. [138]
398. The promiscuous woman experiences too few tough decisions that mold the character required to promote her self-interest to the fullest with one man. [138]
399. The promiscuous woman eventually learns that uninvolved sex leaves her empty. [138]
400. Our Judeo-Christian culture over several centuries has taught this: Two separate and distinct roles provide the greatest insurance for family harmony and success. He’s the head and she’s the heart. [139]


Filed under Dear daughter

317. What daughters never hear — Section 08

Dear Daughter,

♂2♀  Society: What people do. Culture: Why people do what they do. As women go, so goes society, because women dominate home and culture. Men dominate workplace and society.

♂2♀  Self-respect and duty slut are mutually exclusive.

♂2♀  His love is based on respect for her, and lack of her self-respect sours his love.

♂2♀  A woman without self-respect can’t hold a man.

♂2♀  Some men tear down their woman’s self-respect. Permitting it makes him more dominant and less respectful of her, when his love is based on respect for her.  

♂2♀  Perception is reality. Whatever appears to be, is. You’ll be judged not on what you do, but on what people convince themselves that you do.

♂2♀  Women compete with women. Men compete with men. That’s why women call promiscuous women ‘slut’ long before men.

♂2♀  Mistakes are many, so recovery is everything. Virtual virginity can turn one’s life around. (More at post 294. Also see CONTENTS page at blog top.)

♂2♀  Sex differences make room for compatibility. Sex likenesses—that is, lack of gender differences—make room for competition. Too much likeness breeds incompatibility.

♂2♀  Everything is relative to something or somebody else. This does not alter fact and truth, except as some people distort both to advance their agenda.

[More What Daughters Never Hear are listed in CONTENTS page at top of blog.]


Filed under feminine, Uncategorized