Tag Archives: hope and laughter

1796. RANDOM THOUGHTS—Group 75

  1. Bitchiness arises out of role confusion. Her heart and mind are not in sync.
  2. A female’s easy smile whispers that she knows she’s pretty.
  3. The more different she appears from other women, the more unforgettable she is to a man.
  4. If a wife mothers her husband, expect him to cheat. If he’s also of an adolescent mindset, expect to lose him.
  5. When she shacks up with a man, she puts a lid on his respect that she can earn. Limited respect means limited love, which means limited time together.
  6. Dignity—You have to act it to get it.
  7. A man’s devotion shines when he relinquishes dominance to a woman on those issues she wishes to dominate.
  8. Where laughter prevails, hope can’t be far behind. Hope and laughter go together. If you find little hope in your heart, find and generate laughter with your mind.
  9. The best husbands are trained in toddlerhood. Mothers charm boys to absorb adult values they are too young to emulate but which program their heart. Mothers do it by inculcating/indoctrinating adult values while respecting them as person first, boy second, and ‘unrespecter’ of bad behavior third.
  10. The female nature finds that manipulation comes easy. Men are not so inclined by nature.


Filed under Dear daughter