Tag Archives: pubescence

1752. Sex Differences Redux — Part 06: She’s Pretty, He’s Not

Primal urges motivate us. Primal convictions shape our agendas and stir the sexes differently before and often in spite of emotional motivators such as love, hate, religion, ambition, misery, ideologies, et al.

The first primal conviction of females is the belief that each is pretty. They’re endowed with the blessing of always impressing other favorably, and the smarter ones intend to stay that way. Not for others so much as for their own self-esteem, self-confidence, self-image, and self-interest. For women, success begins with a pretty smile, and so they brighten their daily routine with ‘pretty time’ (more later).

A woman’s greatest prettiness emerges when she takes it for granted so easily and subconsciously that she never tries to use it for personal gain; instead, she lets others recognize her prettiness and she basks in the reflected glory rather than the direct blessing. By doing so she compliments the other person rather than seemingly brag to herself. In other words, she’s at her best when she enables her prettiness to shine solely in the eyes of the beholder.

On the other hand, men are not so endowed. Many find reason to believe they are handsome, but it’s a conviction they aren’t born with.

Women and men respond differently to recognition of a woman’s prettiness and a man’s absence of handsomeness. A woman’s prettiness plays habitually in the background of her life. She rewards others with pretty smiles, which pass quickly except as pleasant feelings. Handsomeness confirmed by thoughts and habits plays in the foreground of a man’s life. He rewards himself with expanded ambitions and ways to exploit his looks to achieve the many goals in his life.

Although born convinced that their looks don’t really matter, boys go through adolescence overcoming doubts and trying to compensate for flaws. In the final analysis of mature adulthood, men face battles where their other talents and skills are far more effective than their good looks. Consequently, a man’s looks mean much less to women than vice versa.

On the other hand, a woman relies deliberately on her prettiness according to the strength she’s able to keep confirmed about it. Either she strengthens her conviction with ‘pretty time’ before a mirror, or her belief weakens and dims her future. She tunes up her prettiness daily and does it exclusively for herself too. In fact, when a woman prettifies herself to please or impress others, she abandons her nature, enlarges her self-centeredness, and adopts phoniness.

Unfortunately, women are vulnerable to having their conviction overturned. Precisely because prettiness is vital to their emotional well-being, some girls fall prey to the thoughts of others who for one reason or another discourage those girls’ convictions. So, when you see a female unconvinced of her prettiness, look to her childhood and those that robbed her of God’s blessing and Nature’s endowment.

Women have another blessing that men lack. It’s the subject of the next part due to post on the morrow.


Filed under sex differences

1143. Primal Beliefs: She’s Pretty




Reorganized, clarified, and reissued as #1752.


Filed under sex differences