1195. Coffee and Tea with Mrs. G. #31

Ladies, I see my man facing this dilemma: He has material for many more articles that address girls trying to succeed with boys. He planned to provide some post-grad reading. However, over the 26 days and 26 articles that he published Boot Camp for Girls, no one commented. No girls! No women! No mothers! No fathers! And no boys! Silence!

Did any of you see worthwhileness? No feedback means little appropriateness and no interest about adolescence. I hate to see hubby spinning his wheels. Dilemmas make his temper flare easily. It tends to make him unlivable. Heh, heh!

I pray for blessings on you and yours.

Mrs. Guy


Filed under Dear daughter

42 responses to “1195. Coffee and Tea with Mrs. G. #31

  1. Mrs. G,

    The Boot Camp for Girls series has been a blessing for me as I am teaching my 14 year old about how to navigate through the world of relationship. So his efforts were not in vain. Do let him know that and trust his words are not falling on deaf ears.

    At some point he might consider bundling these articles for girls in an ebook and offering on the website after the series is over. It would be a shame to lose all that good information in a sea of subsequent posts.

  2. Erin

    Mrs. Guy: So sorry we didn’t comment. I read your husband’s post every day – they are a never-miss part of my morning. I’m the mother of 3 young women and my 18-year-old intends to read the entire boot camp when she’s not so loaded down with school. I’m not sure she’d comment, but she will definitely benefit. One of my other daughter’s college roommate is pregnant sans husband or any hope of one for behaving in the ways Mr. Guy warns against, so this advice hits close to home for us. He is giving them the why, which most mothers just don’t have, even those of us who have done our best to raise our daughters to view themselves too highly to give everybody everything. You’d be shocked at the numbers of grandmothers and mothers who failed to pass this wisdom on because they didn’t have it. So this mother (and wife for those posts aimed at us) is most grateful for all his efforts – I’m just not much of a “talker” when it comes to posting comments (although you might be fooled about that by this loooong post) ;-D

  3. BuckarooGirl

    As always, great stuff. I’m in my early twenties and while I don’t have time to read every single post, I love what I do read. An ebook is not a bad idea!

  4. pam

    What? No comments. Well, I must say we discussed several posts with our 13 year old daughter and I am always referring people to your site. We appreciate your efforts! Hope you are no longer grumpy.

  5. I, too, read every single post of this series (and read every post when it’s put up, along with 94 other subscribers through Google Reader, plus certainly more via other methods) — and I shared several of them on f/b, so that my younger friends (and their mothers) could read them too. Please know that we *are* reading and enjoying, even if we’re not commenting. [For myself, much of the information was not as timely, having been married for some time, and as a mother of two young sons, don’t foresee needing this information for my own children for quite some time. Yet it was a thrill to me to see these things written down, because teenagers and young ladies so desperately need to read these things and take them to heart!]

  6. Miss Terri

    I’ve been so blown away by the “Boot Camp For Girls” series that I’ve been speechless. Actually, the series has been an answer to prayer as I attempt to navigate my three daughters to womanhood. Recently, my oldest daughter had a very discouraging experience: that of an older woman at church, no less, telling my daughter of her unhappiness in marriage among other inappropriate things. No one grows unhappy overnight and we are using the “Boot Camp” series to train our thinking to avoid repeating such a scenerio. This blog is one of the highlights of my day, it has generated many, many interesting discussions in our home, is now one of our primary tools for training our daughters and sons, and we have been able to help minister is some troubles marriages by the insights learned here. The thinking we’ve learned from here that will save our civilization. Every post I read gets my heart singing, “Bravo, Amen, Praise the Lord” Thank you to you two for making my day and our lives better.

  7. R.A.

    I read just about every article for the Boot Camp series and enjoyed the information and I found some of it useful. I didn’t comment because I’m still trying to break it down and take it in. But what I did understand I feel didn’t really need a comment.

    Your Hunketteness R.A.,
    You’re right. No need to comment just for the sake of it. Thanks for letting me know it was of interest.
    Mrs. Guy

  8. Cassy

    Well, Sir Guy said it was my question about the boys that kiss and dump that inspired the series and I really appreciated it and soaked up absolutely everything he said. I’ve printed each post out to read and re-read and got my friends, Christlina and Tanja into it as well, even though they didn’t comment much.

    I basically had my mom drill into my head from young that premarital sex was wrong but all the details about the in between stuff I didn’t know and had a lot of questions about and Sir Guy has answered so much and given me a clear and simple view on how to navigate my way through all these boys.

    Having been homeschooled all my life and living my early teen years on a farm I was dumped into the city as a rather naive teen. Still rather inexperienced among all these college boys it’s really helping me personally where I am right now in my life and I’d love any more wisdom Sir Guy has to give. I’ve usually only commented when I’ve felt I’ve had a valid enough question but I’ll comment lots more 🙂

  9. I read every post. I did facebook one of them and received thankful comments from some young women. I also pass on the information when I am talking to young women entering or getting ready for courtship. I, for one, would be lost without you. Thank you for all your efforts. Looking forward to an answer to our challenge in post 1193. Have a wonderful day.

  10. So sorry for not commenting. But please know that we read every post and I am using them to help my late-teen daughters to know what to expect/do in their relationships. I did not even realize that there had been no comments. I do believe though, that many people were making use of them.

  11. anonymous

    I also read every single article, and as a 19 year old I found them very useful! Actually, they were among the most useful of the posts. Post-grad information please and thank you!

  12. Grace

    I am too old, and my children are too young for most of this series, but I did enjoy it and share it with a few of my nieces. I think that your blog audience in general may be too old for this series, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not being passed on to those who can use it.

  13. gonemaverick

    Mrs Guy,

    i am not a teen but i read ALL of them. i didn’t comment because i busy applying, applying, applying. and what fun i am having!!!

  14. ladylike

    I also read all the posts and found them very interesting. I didn’t comment as I’m at a later stage of my life (about to get married). Also, having gone to an all girls boarding school, and having grown up on a farm, I didn’t really go through this stage as a “normal” teenager, as there were no boys around! I was a very prissy little girl. At 12 years old, when I was still at my co-ed school, all the boys wanted to kiss me, and I told them that I was way too young and that I would only contemplate kissing a boy when I was much much older – 18 years old at least! That seemed ancient to me! 🙂

  15. AwaitingMrGoodEnough

    Sir Guy,
    I read every article you write. This series on teen girls is excellent. I will be passing it on as opportunities arise. Your insight is a gift.

    • Mariposa

      I must admit that, at first, I failed to acknowledge theBoot Camp posts as relevant to me (a nearly 29-year-old single mother re-entering the dating zone). It was not until I read the very last entry prior to the “Final Exam”, entitled “Self-Talk”, that I became utterly hooked. I read through every one of the preceding posts in the series and discovered that the messages included timeless pearls of wisdom that a woman of any age ought to tuck into her pocket. I thought about the positive impact on my life these messages would have provided me – in terms of my self-image, and the confusion, caused by ignorance, about boys. Indeed, this insight would optimally benefit young ladies prior to their first venture into the dating vortex. So, I have saved every single gem from this treasure-chest of wisdom to give to a daughter I may quite possibly have in the future. This will serve as a most valuable tool for her to embrace as I steer her away from the pitfalls of making poor choices. She does not have to learn the hard way, as I did. Thank you, Guy, for giving me a daily dose of confidence. I eagerly check my email each day for new insight from you.

  16. Wanderer fantasie

    Oh, I’m so sorry I didn’t comment much 😦 Like the ladies, I too learned so much from the boot camp. I still have to mull over lots of information presented, though. No one ever taught me any of this useful information, and here where I live, I get too much of what women hear all the time. *sigh* So that’s why I love this blog, and I assure you, the efforts of Sir Guy are not being wasted! This shy gal is going to try and think more, and thus post more 😉

  17. Simplicity Evermore

    Just because we don’t comment doesn’t mean we’re not interested. Just means there’s nothing to say. Or, we’re so busy applying it that we havn’t found any questions to ask just yet. Good stuff as always, though.

  18. Kristen

    Dear Mrs. Guy,
    Lack of feedback does not mean lack of interest. I have been a regular visitor to your husband’s blog for some time. While I cannot always agree with him, I find his views certainly interesting and thought-provoking. That also applies to Boot Camp for Girls.
    I hope your husband continues writing!

    Best wishes,

  19. There may have been silence as many of us were ruminating on our time as young girls and perhaps wishing we had had this information then. So perhaps there was more introspection. Or embarrassment. Or anger. Or regret. Or relief. Or some who have daughters or young women that we care about were off sharing these posts. Perhaps Mr. Guy should consider the number of times these posts were linked and shared online as an indication of interest instead of posts alone.

  20. Princess Rita

    We thoroughly enjoyed bootcamp and I think you have a new fan in my 17 year old daughter (praise God!)

  21. Each day I sit down at my computer desk and await another lesson with Guy and yourself. I eagerly await the amazing wisdom and instruction and seek to apply the principles presented in my daily life. Thank you. Oh, thank you for your time and effort and the energy put forth into each post! Your lives are truly an inspiration to me and what I hope – one day to become!
    Keep up the wonderful work and I look forward to many, many more articles in the future!

  22. Vanessa

    I apologize for not commenting on the bootcamp – It didn’t occur to me to do so. I have learned so much from Guy, and find myself referring back and forth to prior articles – and so appreciate the insight given to us. In fact two days ago I went on Amazon to purchase the book “Return to Modesty” based on Guys recommendation. Men to me are wonderful and confusing creatures – any help is appreciated help. Cheers & continual thanks,

    Your Highness Vanessa,
    Welcome aboard. Always glad to have another pretty woman join this cruise. Also, thanks for the kind words.

  23. Adora

    Mr. Guy,
    I appreciate all that you write even though you come at certain issues (like kissing before marriage) from a different perspective than we do. I too refer people here, sometimes without even knowing them . 🙂 Everybody needs a little Mr. Guy in their life!

  24. mutzali

    Your articles are great—for creating manipulative, ignorant (and I don’t mean innocent) helpless women whose whole goal is to marry someone who will do all their thinking for them. Will your next lesson be about how to whine for compliments?

    Your Highness Mutzali,

    Welcome aboard. Always glad to have another pretty woman join us on this cruise.

    Methinks, however, you insult lady readers by trying to insult me. Are you sure you want to stay around to hear what they have to say?

    Oh, wait a minute. Were you perhaps aiming your dislike at Mrs. Guy? It is her article. Could you mean that her 30 earlier articles lead to the type of woman you dislike?


    • Adora

      Mutzali, I want my daughters to have the kind of self respect and self esteem that come from following their God given nature. I’m hardly a shrinking violet but I’m wise enough to realize that if my husband wanted a competitor, he’d play football. If he wanted filthy mouthed conversation, he’d go to a bar. If he wanted to be demeaned for being a *man*, he’d go hang out at a NOW rally. Real men want real women. You should be wise enough to read enough to understand that you’re dead wrong if you think Mr. Guy wants anything but for women to hear truth, apply it and be happy.

      • Adora – this definitely deserves “Comment of the Day” status. Or a bumper sticker. Or a T-shirt, or *something*.

        “I’m wise enough to realize that if my husband wanted a competitor, he’d play football. If he wanted filthy mouthed conversation, he’d go to a bar. If he wanted to be demeaned for being a *man*, he’d go hang out at a NOW rally. Real men want real women.”

        Love it!

        Your Thoughtfulness Kathy,
        You’re right. I’ve already added it to my favored quote list for publishing later. Also, this line: “Having a man love me because I am his compliment is the most liberating thing imaginable!”

  25. Vega

    Thank you, Mr. Guy, for freely giving your invaluable wisdom, counsel and advice to us on the Net. You’re a great blessing to women and men everywhere, planting seeds in everyone’s minds that will take root and make the world a better place, one relationship at a time. Please don’t stop what you’re doing!

  26. Simplicity Evermore

    “for creating manipulative, ignorant (and I don’t mean innocent) helpless women whose whole goal is to marry someone who will do all their thinking for them”

    My Lady Mutzali,

    Your absolutely right. We are very manipulative. We live everyday life using our beauty, brains and resourcefulness to ‘grab life by the horns’. We seek to make everyone and everything better by manipulating ourselves into becomming better women. The first law of life is: Knowledge is power. But the first knowledge one must have is of himself. A man who does not know himself cannot succeed at anything.

    Yup. We’re ignorant. We couldn’t conceive of being *anything* but feminine, delicate, beautiful little flowers who bring beauty and life to the world. Can you imagine what it’s like to live with a chip on your shoulder?! Oh the horror! To live under constant stress and anxiety. Ugh.>_<T_T I am so grateful that we ladies can choose to be ignorant of such things, and instead focus on the joys in life.

    We aren't the least bit innocent. A girl has to know things to get places. And she has to watch out for those who might take advantage. Sheep in wolf's clothing. That's what we are. ^_^

    "Whose whole goal is to marry someone who will do their thinking for them." Right on the nail again! XD You are so insightful, my lady! If getting married means not having to worry about where food comes from, or having to fear for my safety in public, or decide which bill to pay first, then yes. I am going to marry a guy who will do my thinking for me. After all, that's what guys do: They provide, protect, produce and problem solve. All things which we women can do, but aren't terribly good at. And really, why do it ourselves when they're more then willing?

    So nice to see someone who sums things up so tidily and thinks so highly of it. See, Sir Guy? Even this lovely lady knows what a great job you're doing teaching us womenfolk. XD

    • Wanderer fantasie

      Dear Simplicity,

      well said! So cleverly written – you put it in words so much better that I ever could. You rock, girl!

      Your Perceptiveness Wanderer fantasie,
      I smilingly concur. Clever writing makes me envious.

    • gonemaverick

      he, he, he. *wide smirk on my face*

    • Adora

      You go girl! I’m always amazed at women who aren’t falling on their knees thankful that God made them female. I’m equally amazed at the women who fail to realize that it is FEMINISM that says women aren’t good enough, to be really worthwhile you have to become as male as you can. Having a man love me because I am his compliment is the most liberating thing imaginable!

    • Grace

      Simplicity –
      “They provide, protect, produce and problem solve. All things which we women can do, but aren’t terribly good at. And really, why do it ourselves when they’re more then willing?”

      I am quite good at all of these things. As are many other women. I realize that you are very young, but this just makes you sound rather empty headed. You need to speak for yourself.

      mutzali – Some of the advice here is useful, some of it is not and some of it is shockingly bad. Take what you can use and leave the rest. I’ve found that useful bits are worth reading through the rest for. There is probably something here somewhere that will be of use to you even if it is just greater understanding of how a certain kind of man thinks.

      Your Magnificentness Grace,
      You claim some advice is shockingly bad. Would you mind being more specific? If you’re right, I need to take some action.

  27. stefanie

    I don’t like to comment, but I’ve been reading whenever I had the time and absorbing all of this like a sponge.
    I’d love to read more, I just find it awkward to put my appreciation to words.

  28. A.GuyMaligned

    Thanks. Your comments did the trick. They reversed Mrs. Guy’s anguish about her husband’s dilemma (as I saw it) and suffering the grumpies (as she saw it). I love it when pretty women respond so well to help out Her Majesty.

  29. Simplicity Evermore

    My Lady Fantasie: Thank you.

    Sir Guy: So glad I can ease the burdens of yourself and your dear wife. You do so much for us, it’s nice to know I can do something back.

    My Lady Adora,

    I agree. I do so love feeling beautiful and doing girlie things. And being enjoyed as a person *for* the femininty that I possess. There is nothing more delightful then that delicate and ever so feminine feeling that comes with behaving like a lady ought.

  30. Simplicity Evermore

    My Lady Grace,

    “I am quite good at all of these things. As are many other women. I realize that you are very young, but this just makes you sound rather empty headed. You need to speak for yourself. ”

    Never said women couldn’t do it themselves. There are plenty of self-autonomous women out there. Not necessarily happy women. But they can do it. I do this everyday myself out at college. Don’t always like it though.

    And yes, I am empty headed. Only got one braincell. So you should take my words with a grain of salt, because most of the time I use my braincell for breathing, not for thinking. XD Besides, as you said I am terribly young and have so much to learn.

    • Adora

      Simplicity, don’t sell yourself short, even as a joke. You are exactly the kind of astute, wise woman that I wish my sons could marry!

      • Simplicity Evermore

        My Lady Adora,

        You are very kind. And I am tickled pink that you wish me as a marriage candidate for your sons. That is a high honor. Thank you.

  31. Hello Mr. Guy. I am new to the blog and I want you to know that your unique perspective is challenging, entertaining, and appreciated by me as a wife and mother of a growing brood. God bless you, and I hope things are going well for you. God Bless, Tierra

    Your Highness Queenlyreign,
    Welcome aboard. It’s a great day when another pretty woman joins us on this cruise to WhatWomenNeverHear.

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