103. Dark Side of Feminism—Part 6

We have heard for years that men are irresponsible, inadequate, and dysfunctional at helping fulfill female dreams. This post looks closer at it.

  • Women are not ignorant about men, but much of what they know is wrong. Consequently, their natural relationship expertise weakens. Anticipating the behavior of men becomes error-filled, and women make too many mistakes dealing with their man.
  •  Dominant people get more so when challenged. In the modern home men grow frustrated and angry. Their dominance strengthens, and it fertilizes their natural reluctance to stay long with one woman.
  • The end result of masculine-style sexual freedom for women is this: Men become more adroit at sexual hit and run, and women gain more experience living life as ex-girlfriend, -lover, -live in, -wife.
  • The more that females exploit their youth, beauty, and sexual assets to attract men, the more easily and certainly men will be lured away from their present girlfriend, lover, live in, wife.
  • To follow social trends for greater sexual freedom, women drop the old school importance of fidelity to please their man. Females pursuing equal rights in unfaithfulness merely redouble the masculine effort to maintain inequality.
  • Modern women compete with their man, and they usually lose. Women are endowed with a cooperative spirit, men with a competitive one. Men know the difference, guard their turf aggressively, and not just assertively.
  • To loosen their conscience as governor of the soul, women discard Judeo-Christian morality. They give up old school respectability that civilizes and domesticates males. They live by new school moral relativism that breeds abuse and violence of men and women against others.
  • To loosen up moral values, feminists several decades ago killed the social construct of the Lady. The death of gentlemanly respect and courtesies followed soon thereafter. Now, women bitch that men don’t act gentlemanly.  
  • Wives blame husbands for female miseries and fail to consider what she may have contributed. Feminists defend her as ‘inexperienced’.
  • Women insist on equal sharing of housekeeping and childcare responsibilities. The best intentions to equalize workload weakens mutual devotion, because sustaining equality is both impossible and friction-causing.



Filed under Feminism: OOPS!

2 responses to “103. Dark Side of Feminism—Part 6

  1. Miss Dawn

    Judeo-Christian morality? I wonder what Jesus would have said if someone asserted that “morality serves women more than men” or that like in your post about the absurdity of male chasity; that for women chasity is a virtue but for men “Male virginity is nonsense to females” Well, if all women waited until marriage, (which I do belive is the best way to go) Then guess what? That means MALE VIRGINS! Who would these boys get thier experince? If you want to bring Judeo-Christian morality into the picture, most of what I have read is correct, except for the idea that when men have sex outside of marriage that it is not a sin. Or that when men are promiscuous, that they can’t get and transmit STD’s as easily as a female. Why would a virgin want some mans penis in her that has been around the block and is loaded with God-Knows-What? Only virgins deserve each other, and people who have had sex deserve each other as well.

  2. Erna

    I agree completely, Miss Dawn, except for the part about virgins deserving each other. As a Christian, I know that no one deserves anything good b/c it was every single one of our sins that put Jesus on that Cross. God doesn’t judge us based on what we deserve, thankfully. All of his goodness is based on grace – undeserved goodness. So, since the ground is even at the foot of the Cross, I think it would please the Lord to bring a virgin and a non-virgin together, the former harlot and her prince, the former playboy and his pure bride. That seems like a very godly thing to do. Not to mention, when virgins marry, they too put their faith in their own goodness. The result? Horrible, unfulfilling sex. Again, God’s goodness could and will never flow on a system of deserving. If it did, we’d all be doomed to hell.

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