100. Chaste courtship works—Part 1

♂♀—Unmarried chastity prolonged by a woman—that is, virtual virginity—hides or disguises earlier promiscuous behavior.

♂♀—Sex captures a man’s attention. Subtlety, charming mystery, indirect influence, respectability, virtue, and friendly sweetness hold his interest.

♂♀—Her virtue is anything she has or does that he doesn’t, wouldn’t, or couldn’t. Virtue exploited we call feminine. One woman claims it adds color to a man’s black and white world.

♂♀—To act more like men, females abandon their natural modesty. They give up character strength that weakens male domination, and swallow embarrassments caused by men. Suggestion: Females should adopt this as a girlhood textbook: A Return to Modesty by Wendy Shalit.

♂♀—Men get as romantic as a woman requires before yielding to foreplay, intercourse, or both. Girls have the critical role in teaching boys the hows and whys of good romance habits. If girls don’t do it, men won’t have it, and women have to compensate.  

♂♀—The dominance game plays out differently once a couple has intercourse. Sex before marriage affirms and thereby strengthens his dominance. Conquest afterward adds empathy to his dominance.

♂♀—If he was unfaithful to the female sister from whom he was seduced, what makes the seducer think he will be faithful to her? His words, wishful thinking, …? She more likely bought a ticket on the ex-train.

♂♀—When marriage is less than absolutely essential to a woman, her boyfriend is miles ahead of her in avoiding it.

♂♀—The best investment a woman can make: Generate and nurture her man’s devotion, not just commitment. Best done by far before his conquest.

♂♀—The smart woman on a date wants other men to ignore her, so she can concentrate on her mission, that of sealing or enjoying the relationship with her male companion.

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