Tag Archives: notch bedpost

2093. Compatibility Axioms #511-520

NOTE: A man’s domains are those relationship issues about which he’s the boss, near-boss, thinks he should be, or aspires to be that eminent person. Either as he sees it or concludes from daily negotiations or haggling with his woman. [189]

511. It’s the territorial imperative in coupledom. She shows disrespect when she invades his domains and signals his insignificance when she succeeds.[189]

512. Disrespect shown to a man piles up to kill his love. Insignificance piles up to end his presence. [189]

513. Symptoms of less love and his impending departure can be found in less interest for fulfilling his woman’s hopes and dreams. [189]

514. When women try to lead in masculine domains, much as feminists do, men find bigger or better ways to stay ahead. This leads to put downs, mistreatment, and an ‘I’ll show you’ spirit. Examples: rap music, family abandonment, and abusiveness. [189]

515. Relationship success comes from making daily decisions that build mutually recognized and honored domains for each spouse. An organization cannot long function under two equal CEOs. [189]

516. Men appreciate cheap and easy sex. But, they don’t much value unearned gifts. Such female behavior cheapens a man’s conquering spirit. It denies him opportunity to prove his manly worth by other than sexual performance. [190]

517. A woman’s eagerness for the excitement of sex make her appear too loose for a man to expect her faithfulness.  [190]

518. Being given what a man expects to be a challenge turns him toward other challenges. [190]

519. The female nature intuitively guides mature girls and women away from the extreme behavior of cheap and easy sex. They know something else is much better for them. [190]

520. Though not as women expect, casual sex energizes men. If she’s that free and easy, then he can pursue the next score, notch the bedpost again, and go after more. [190]



Filed under Dear daughter

335. College girls: Dateless??? — Posts 186-200

One Duke University senior claimed she never had a date in college and knew no one that had. So, coed now means guys and booty?

Hear the rest of the story at these post numbers.

186.       Hot tips for hot lips.

187.       Our education system has corrupted the term ‘self-esteem’.

188.       If her boobs ain’t displayed right, she’s starting to look older.

189.       One thing kills a man’s love, and another ends his presence.

190.       Women energize men to pursue the next score, notch the bedpost, and go after more.

191.       Girls acting like boys.

192.       Nurture in the weans, lead in the tweens, coach in the teens.

193.       Most body movements require little thought.

194.       Mom was right. We do become like those with whom we associate.

195.       He’s the left hand rhythm end of life’s keyboard. She’s the right hand melodic end.

196.       Feminists want to treat his and her infidelity the same, but they’re not.

197.       Baby-care adults breathe self-esteem into each of us.

198.       He changes after conquest.

199.       Male virginity, disconnected from romance.

200.       What daughters should hear.

Escape or dodge the booty label. See the CONTENT page in the blog header.

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Filed under Fickle female, Uncategorized