Tag Archives: mistreat

211. Dark Side of Feminism—Part 15

     Feminism conflicts with two natural principles of American behavior. First, the male sex does whatever the female sex requires for men to have frequent and convenient access to sex.

Second, men react to how women treat them. Men treated as they wish to be treated rise to help fulfill female hopes and dreams. Men treated otherwise become what individual females can’t appreciate; they fulfill unmanly but masculine hopes and dreams—toys, parties, girls.  

Feminism inspired women to treat men disrespectfully, because men refuse to step up to the feminist model of what men should be as developed by radical political activists.

It worsens. Feminist-inspired lower standards for men to have access to sex frees up men to conquer more women. Women expect a man’s commitment to be error-proof, but female sisters bait and tease his natural urge to merge.

To compensate themselves but reward men, women declare and practice masculine-style sexual freedom. Women keep lowering the bar for access to frequent and convenient sex, and then blame men for easier jumping. Blame delivers mistreatment.

Looser customs free up men to hunt and conquer. Lowering standards for sex causes women to mistreat men, because men don’t live up to female expectations. Mistreatment causes men to easily tire of or become discouraged by one woman.  

Feminists lowered the drawbridge to sexual freedom, first for men and then for women. So, men have to do little to access the good life of many conquests.

Women buy into feminist theory and dogma. They disrespect the male gender but expect to be respected as females, wives, lovers, shack ups, link ups, hook ups with call ups, and even friends offering benefits. Men continue to mostly respect feminine mystique, female modesty, self-protective standards of morality, female-centeredness, feminine uniqueness, family cohesion, and niceties and gentleness. Men don’t possess such qualities, but they like to associate with experts that specialize.

[Other posts about the Dark Side are 196, 180, 168, 157, 146, 134, 129, 123, 103, 92, 71, 50, 47, and 23. Scroll down or search by the number and then click the title.]

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115. The Essence of Feminism

Feminism is an ideology. It tells other people how to live according to politically inspired values, but it generates social illnesses. (I applaud the legal, political, and economic gains wrought by Feminism. Instead, I focus on the damaging social consequences inflicted on couples.)

 The feminist ideology wraps the female heart with meanness toward men. It breeds selfishness and self-centeredness, which puts mental ugliness into the mainstream of life. It makes women stand up inside and shake a fist at men. It pushes men to fight back with what often becomes abuse and violence.

Early feminists buried as trash the female-friendly concepts of the Lady and the Gentleman. They spiked tenderness into the hardened turf of politics, which sacrificed the female desire to be cherished by a man. They uplifted sexual freedom as equality with men that women deserved.

How did it happen that Feminism prostitutes the female nature and turns men away from family responsibility? Simple. The roots lie in politics with people that wanted to change the world to their image. They wanted to make a difference and strategized without input from men. 

Two world views separate those that did it from those that would not have done it—the political Left from the Right, the political females from the natural females, the feminists from the feminine.

“One view, the Anglo-American, holds that human ability to comprehend, adjudicate, and arrange the world around us is limited; that the only attainable goal is continuously to improve the conditions which enable individuals to achieve their personal best.”*

Those who hold this world view occupy the right side of the political spectrum. Their beliefs foster leadership by example rather than using politics to tell others how to live.

“The other view, predominantly Franco-Germanic, places human reason at the center of our existence, claiming that certain people are capable of comprehending, adjudicating, and arranging the world around us; and that such people are called upon to guide all others toward an increasingly perfect and just world in which all desires will have been either eliminated or satisfied.”*

The early feminists, and those that helped propagate their ideology, hold the latter world view. They empower themselves with feminist theory, dogma, and propaganda and adjudicate and arrange the world for the rest of us.

They thought themselves elitist enough and capable of changing how men treat women by telling women how to mistreat men.

As a result, modern women fish with bare breasts and net a man with sex. But, they can’t hold him. Thus, women pay the price of feminist elitism that substituted Feminism for Femininity.

* My thanks to Balint Vazsonyi for the two quotes. They’re from his book America’s 30 Years War, Who is Winning? (p.106) 


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108. Chaste courtship works—Part 3

NOTE: Thanks to Suzanne for triggering this post. She put a big smile on my face, and I love it when pretty women do that. Guy

Relationships start with attraction, infatuation, and lust; fold into passion and love; and level off as enduring mutual love. Or, so women hope.

The rules for success are many, but wrongs trump rules, Nature trumps Love, and men trump women that don’t know how to make men successful at husbanding and fathering.

For successful living with a man, women as the relationship expert need to overcome the innumerable devils in the details. For example:

  • Men don’t take orders from women. It weakens his sense of significance. Women are much more effective conveying their expectations some other way, more indirectly.
  • Women must qualify their man for marriage; condition him to accept her values, standards, and expectations; and expect never to change him after their first sex together.
  • Man of the House, Head of the House, Home CEO, or whatever you call it, women indirectly govern the home unless she sided with the wrong man. It takes a long courtship to decide correctly.
  • It’s her nest to build into a castle. But then, he expects comfort and convenience over her perfectionism, functionality over her style and fashion, and at least the appearance if not the actuality of him as boss. 
  • Men respond to women eventually, but not immediately, directly, or openly. They need time and latitude to make his meeting her expectations look like something else—even his idea. Men can afford to be impatient, but their woman cannot. Patience is an immensely great female virtue for marriage.
  • Men treat women as females teach them, mostly earlier in life. Mothers sometimes fail, girls stupidly don’t condition boys to respect females, and single women provide sex before they earn a man’s respect by not providing it. Hence, some men mistreat women.

People don’t mistreat those they respect. That’s why a long courtship helps qualify a man as having had a good upbringing and as having developed potential for treating her well.


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